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发布时间:2018-08-22 13:06
[Abstract]:Based on the analysis of the competitive advantage of Xiulan Real Estate Company in the course of 20 years' development and from the point of view of enterprise competitiveness, this paper draws a conclusion that Xiulan Real Estate Company is an old real estate developer in Baoding City. Baoding has a high reputation and reputation in the conclusion, at present Xiulan employees, especially senior management, in the brain, in the mind firmly put the brand of Xiulan spirit. From the competitive point of view, the company has good product characteristics and reputation, strong product research and development ability, unique brand and core value molding ability, good resource integration ability, financing expansion ability and cost control ability. However, compared with the top domestic developers, there is still a big gap and deficiency in the competitiveness of enterprises, with the following problems, for example, as the company grows and grows, brand building and values are facing a situation where implementation is not in place. The product differentiation ability is insufficient, the design ability needs to be further improved, the Internet informatization means is insufficient, the old customer resources are not fully excavated, the margin of financing innovation is limited, and the innovation ability needs to be improved. The construction of human resource management system is relatively backward. These problems restrict the development of Xiulan real estate and even the whole Xiulan Group, and become an obstacle to the realization of Xiulan Group's dream of "century-old industry". In view of this, this paper puts forward four suggestions to enhance the competitiveness of Xiulan real estate company, including using Internet tools, innovating the business model of the company, digging deeply into customer demand, perfecting the system to protect the rights and interests, and enhancing the ability of integrating resources. To achieve standardized management of enterprises; further break through the shackles of thinking, break through the financing dilemma with the help of the Internet; innovate the way of market competition, enhance brand ability, and further clarify the development strategy of the company. Hope to help Xiulan real estate company to achieve leapfrog development, improve the competitiveness, expand the competitive advantage, for the future better development of Xiulan Group play a role.


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