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发布时间:2018-08-24 11:33
【摘要】:自中国加入wT0之后,我国经济与世界经济联系越来越紧密。全球经济一体化使我国泵行业发展迅猛,为中国经济注入了无限活力。由2007年8月美国爆发的次贷危机引发的金融危机在全球蔓延,欧美金融市场受到重创,全球金融市场动荡加剧,世界经济明显出现衰退,并开始向实体经济渗透,且不断向各个地区和行业蔓延。石油化工行业、煤炭行业、钢铁行业、电力行业、房地产行业均受到很大影响,尤其是对为这些行业提供通用设备的泵类生产厂家影响更是巨大。近几年来,泵行业的内外部环境都发生了很多变化。国际市场需求低迷,人民币升值,物流成本增加,原材料和劳动力工资上涨,贸易利润下降,已经对我国泵类生产厂家产生了很大的负面影响,而全球金融危机又对泵行业造成了巨大冲击。 本文从金融危机对泵行业的传导影响的效应出发,分析了收入效应、汇率效应、心理预期效应、价格效应、就业效应、产业联动效应等传导效应共同作用于当前的泵行业环境。以金融危机前后泵行业生产贸易数据的变化为基础,深入分析了金融危机期间泵行业生产销售的情况以及受到的影响。在此基础上,本文通过对泵行业的SWOT分析,从企业、行业和政府三个方面就后金融危机时期泵行业的发展提出了一些发展对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Since China's entry into wT0, China's economy has become more and more closely linked with the world economy. The global economic integration makes the pump industry of our country develop rapidly, and injects infinite vitality into the Chinese economy. The financial crisis caused by the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in the United States in August 2007, and the financial markets of Europe and the United States were hard hit, the global financial market turbulence intensified, the world economy obviously appeared recession, and began to infiltrate into the real economy. And continue to spread to various regions and industries. The petrochemical industry, coal industry, steel industry, electric power industry and real estate industry are all greatly affected, especially to the pump manufacturers which provide general equipment for these industries. In recent years, many changes have taken place in the internal and external environment of the pump industry. The low demand in the international market, the appreciation of the RMB, the increase in logistics costs, the rise in wages of raw materials and labor, and the decline in trade profits have had a great negative impact on pump manufacturers in China. And the global financial crisis has caused a huge impact on the pump industry. Starting from the effect of financial crisis on the conduction of pump industry, this paper analyzes the conduction effects of income effect, exchange rate effect, psychological expectation effect, price effect, employment effect, industrial linkage effect and so on. Based on the changes of pump industry production and trade data before and after the financial crisis, the paper analyzes the production and sales situation of pump industry during the financial crisis and its influence. On this basis, through the SWOT analysis of pump industry, this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on the development of pump industry in the post-financial crisis period from three aspects: enterprise, industry and government.


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