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发布时间:2018-08-25 19:03
【摘要】:房地产业的不断成熟和发展,大量的资本流入房地产市场,使得我国的房地产市场发展快速,同时出现了一系列的问题。为了控制房价的过快增长,国家出台了宏观调控政策,这无疑对房地产开发商是一个沉重的打击,但是于此同时对房地产开发商的管理水平也提出了更高的要求。同时企业之间的竞争也逐渐转换成了供应链之间的竞争。因此,如何提高管理能力、突破自身瓶颈是房地产开发企业面临的迫切问题。 本文通过对服务供应链理论的分析和比较研究,提出将服务供应链理论应用在房地产行业。作者对房地产开发服务供应链的内涵、模型构建和意义做了初步分析。通过对房地产开发过程中的主体关系进行的分析,运用逻辑分析、推演的方法,构建了以房地产开发商为服务总集成商的房地产开发服务供应链模型。在房地产开发服务供应链中,开发商对服务供应链中的信息流与资金流进行控制,并通过流程管理、能力管理和绩效管理对服务供应商进行选择与管理。并对房地产开发服务供应链的管理进行了讨论。 在房地产开发服务供应链的实施过程中,分析了供应商选择和管理的重要性,通过博弈分析,,强调房地产开发企业与服务供应商建立合作伙伴关系的必要性。根据房地产开发过程中的特性,分别建立了行业评价指标和合作评价指标两套评价指标体系,行业评价指标体系根据各个服务主体涉及的行业特性建立,合作评价指标体系根据房地产企业选择长期的合作伙伴的需求建立。在层次分析法和APH-模糊综合分析法的基础在,提出通过两个阶段对服务供应商进行选择。最后通过算例对其进行验证。
[Abstract]:With the development and maturity of real estate industry, a large amount of capital flows into the real estate market, which makes the real estate market of our country develop rapidly, and a series of problems appear at the same time. In order to control the rapid growth of house prices, the state has issued macro-control policies, which is undoubtedly a heavy blow to real estate developers, but at the same time, the management level of real estate developers is also put forward higher requirements. At the same time, the competition between enterprises is gradually transformed into the competition between supply chains. Therefore, how to improve the management ability and break through its own bottleneck is an urgent problem faced by real estate development enterprises. Based on the analysis and comparison of service supply chain theory, this paper puts forward the application of service supply chain theory in real estate industry. The author makes a preliminary analysis on the connotation, model construction and significance of the real estate development service supply chain. Based on the analysis of the relationship between the main bodies in the process of real estate development and the method of logic analysis and deduction, a real estate development service supply chain model with real estate developers as the service integrator is constructed. In the real estate development service supply chain, developers control the information flow and capital flow in the service supply chain, and select and manage the service providers through process management, capability management and performance management. The management of real estate development service supply chain is also discussed. In the process of implementing the supply chain of real estate development service, the importance of supplier selection and management is analyzed, and the necessity of establishing cooperative partnership between real estate development enterprise and service provider is emphasized through game analysis. According to the characteristics in the process of real estate development, two sets of evaluation index systems are established, namely, the industry evaluation index system and the cooperative evaluation index system. The industry evaluation index system is established according to the industry characteristics involved in each service body. The cooperative evaluation index system is established according to the needs of the real estate enterprises to select long-term partners. On the basis of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy synthesis analysis (APH-), two stages of service supplier selection are proposed. Finally, an example is given to verify it.


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