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发布时间:2018-08-26 09:06
[Abstract]:During the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan, the real estate market has become an important supply and demand market, and the people have rigid demand for housing. However, although the trend of high house prices in the real estate market has been alleviated, the speculative purchase, speculation and restriction of purchase prices have become important factors for the "high temperature" of house prices. The fundamental goal of our government is to seek for the well-being of the broad masses of the people, but the supply and demand structure of real estate, which is only regulated by the market, has completely failed to adapt to the current situation of social and economic development. Therefore, it is necessary for the government as an external force to regulate the supply and demand price and housing supply of the real estate market, so as to ensure the sustained and healthy development of the real estate market. This paper selects 15 representative large cities as the reference index for the study of housing price in the whole country, and analyzes the mechanism of the housing market price influenced by the national macro policy. From the point of view of the full text, this paper first introduces the background source of the research topic, points out the research goal and significance, and summarizes the domestic and foreign scholars' research trends on policy and housing prices, as well as the research results. Then, it focuses on the theoretical basis of real estate macro-control policy, including real estate land supply theory, real estate market theory, and policy theory. In addition, the research object and specific policy indicators are defined. The next two chapters mainly analyze the theory of land policy and monetary policy, focusing on the normal macro-control policy on the urban housing market price mechanism. Land policy is analyzed from five aspects: land supply quantity, land price, land supply structure and land supply mode, and monetary policy mainly analyzes the influence of interest rate and money supply on housing price. Then, using quantitative analysis method and Spss19.0 tool, this paper empirically studies the impact of macro-control policies on urban housing market prices. According to land policy index and monetary policy index, this paper studies the correlation and dynamic influence between policy and housing market price. Finally, the empirical test results are summarized, and according to the theoretical analysis and empirical research conclusions, the feasibility policy recommendations are put forward. Through theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, combined with real estate market theory and policy theory, this paper draws a conclusion: housing market prices are significantly affected by macro policies, among which, Land policy and monetary policy have different effects on housing market price. There is a negative correlation between land supply and housing market price, a positive correlation between land price and housing market price, and the same trend between interest rate level and generalized money supply and housing price. Both have positive correlation with housing market price.


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