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发布时间:2018-09-06 09:06
【摘要】:中国房地产市场当前正在逐步地走向规范化。在这个规范化过程中,房地产企业复杂的业务流程、海量数据与信息的处理会大幅度降低工作效率。解决问题的最佳途径就是通过建设管理信息系统信息化平台来提高企业的信息互通和部门协同。论文根据山东银座购物中心有限公司的实际运行情况,设计了一个基于.NET技术B/S架构的管理信息系统。 论文根据软件工程的开发要求,对山东银座购物中心有限公司管理信息系统进行了需求分析、详细设计、编码实现和测试。需求分析从功能性需求和非功能性需求两方面展开。管理信息系统的功能性需求分析包括对系统进行模块划分,给出了功能结构图;在功能结构图的基础上对系统进行了业务流程分析,并设计了用例。在非功能性需求分析方面,说明了系统稳定性、数据处理量和响应性的要求。论文对管理信息系统进行了总体设计。将系统总体设计为五个功能模块,并对每一个功能模块进行了详细的流程设计。在此基础上,对管理信息系统进行了数据库设计,包括数据库概念设计、物理设计两部分,重点放在了物理设计,设计了数据库每个表中的各数据项类型和大小。在详细设计的基础上论文对管理信息系统进行了实现,分别以用户登录界面实现为例说明对系统控制模块的实现,,以销售计划管理实现说明计划准备模块的实现,以新增销售机会和管理销售机会为例说明销售管理模块的实现,以产生年度预算完成情况分析报表说明了运营控制模块的实现,以客户信息查询的实现说明了客户服务模块的实现。 通过对山东银座购物中心有限公司管理信息系统进行的测试表明,系统完全达到了设计的功能;在对系统使用118个测试点进行性能测试,有134个测试点达标,达标率为88%。根据该管理信息系统的使用情况,认定该系统是合格的。
[Abstract]:China's real estate market is gradually moving towards standardization. In this standardization process, the complex business processes of real estate enterprises, the processing of massive data and information will greatly reduce the efficiency of work. This paper designs a management information system based on. NET technology B/S architecture according to the actual operation of Shandong Ginza Shopping Center Co., Ltd.
According to the requirement of software engineering, this paper analyzes the requirement of the MIS of Shandong Ginza Shopping Center Co., Ltd., designs the MIS in detail, implements the MIS in code and tests it. The functional structure diagram is given, the business process of the system is analyzed on the basis of the functional structure diagram, and a use case is designed. In the aspect of non-functional requirement analysis, the requirements of system stability, data processing and responsiveness are explained. On this basis, the management information system is designed, including database conceptual design and physical design, with emphasis on physical design, and the types and sizes of data items in each table of the database are designed. The management information system is implemented. The implementation of the control module is illustrated by the user login interface, the implementation of the plan preparation module is illustrated by the sales plan management, and the implementation of the sales management module is illustrated by adding sales opportunities and managing sales opportunities, so as to generate the annual budget analysis report. The implementation of the operation control module is explained, and the implementation of the customer service module is illustrated by the implementation of customer information query.
The test of the management information system of Shandong Ginza Shopping Center Co., Ltd. shows that the system has achieved the designed function completely, and 134 test points have reached the standard through the performance test of 118 test points. According to the use of the management information system, the system is certified to be qualified.


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