[Abstract]:The rapid development of the real estate industry in China has made great contributions to our national economy, but the problems exposed in recent years have gradually attracted the attention of the state and entrepreneurs. The steady development of the real estate industry is the inevitable trend of the mature development of enterprises. The real estate industry has become one of the main driving forces of domestic economic growth, and the number of listed real estate companies in China is not many. Mainly because our real estate enterprises generally use high debt to finance, only when the bank debt can not meet the needs of their own capital will issue equity. For the relatively mature real estate industry, it is necessary to study the relationship between capital structure and performance of real estate listed companies. The listed time of real estate companies in our country is short, and the financing mode is relatively backward, so it is necessary to study the relationship between capital structure and performance of real estate listed companies. The study of the relationship between capital structure and performance not only has guiding significance to solve the financing decision of real estate industry, but also can guide real estate enterprises to obtain greater business performance.
【作者单位】: 吉林建筑大学;
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