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发布时间:2018-09-11 15:33
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国房地产市场一直在波动起伏中发展,我国政府根据不同时期和环境房地产市场发展的不同状况,不断出台政策进行宏观调控,专家学者也对房地产市场发展问题从不同角度进行了大量研究,但房地产市场发展仍然不够稳定,房地产泡沫现象时有不同程度的存在,房价高,上涨快,百姓难以承受,中低收入者住房缺乏保障等问题一直存在,这些问题不可避免地对经济和社会健康发展产生不利影响。 本文通过结合全国房地产业发展状况,研究影响房地产业健康稳定发展的主要因素,提出促进我国房地产业稳定健康发展的对策措施,主要研究内容包括以下部分: 第一章阐述本文的研究背景、研究目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究内容、研究方法以及本文的创新点。 第二章为房地产市场发展变化历程评述。从我国房地产市场发展变化入手,主要分析金融危机,投机炒房以及国家调控政策等因素对房地产市场变化波动的影响,得出研究房地产市场稳定健康发展重要意义。 第三章为房地产稳定健康发展目标评述。主要分为房地产业发展的经济目标和社会目标两部分。经济目标分为房地产业对经济发展的积极促进作用和房地产泡沫对经济发展的消极作用。社会目标研究主要为房地产业发展的社会作用和地产泡沫对社会发展的消极作用。 第四章为房地产市场需求调控及管理对策制定。着重从房地产市场需求入手,研究我国房地产市场需求的类型和特点,并提出相应的调控及管理对策。 第五章为房地产市场供给保障对策制定。分析房地产市场供给情况以及保障性住房的构成,针对保障性住房建设存在的问题,提出完善保障性住房制度建设的对策。 第六章为促进房地产业稳定健康发展相关政策制定。主要包括土地供应政策、金融政策和税收政策等。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the real estate market in China has been fluctuating and fluctuating. According to the different conditions of the development of the real estate market in different periods and environment, the Chinese government has continuously issued policies to carry out macro-control and control. Experts and scholars have also carried out a large number of studies on the development of the real estate market from different angles. However, the development of the real estate market is still not stable. The phenomenon of real estate bubbles sometimes exists to varying degrees. Housing prices are high, rising fast, and the people are unable to bear them. The housing insecurity of low- and middle-income people has always existed, which inevitably has a negative impact on the healthy development of economy and society. This paper studies the main factors that affect the healthy and stable development of the real estate industry, and puts forward some countermeasures to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate industry in China. The main research content includes the following parts: the first chapter describes the research background, research purpose and significance, domestic and foreign research status, research content, research methods and innovative points of this paper. The second chapter reviews the development and change of real estate market. Starting with the development and change of real estate market in China, this paper mainly analyzes the influence of financial crisis, speculation and regulation and control policy on the fluctuation of real estate market, and draws the conclusion that it is important to study the stable and healthy development of real estate market. The third chapter is the real estate stable and healthy development goal comment. Mainly divides into the real estate industry development economic goal and the social goal two parts. The economic goal is divided into the positive promoting effect of real estate industry to economic development and the negative effect of real estate bubble on economic development. The study of social objectives mainly focuses on the social role of real estate development and the negative effect of real estate bubble on social development. The fourth chapter is the real estate market demand regulation and management countermeasure formulation. Starting with the demand of the real estate market, this paper studies the types and characteristics of the demand of the real estate market in China, and puts forward the corresponding control and management countermeasures. The fifth chapter is the real estate market supply safeguard countermeasure formulation. This paper analyzes the supply of the real estate market and the composition of the indemnificatory housing, and puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the construction of the supportable housing system in view of the problems existing in the construction of the indemnificatory housing. The sixth chapter is to promote the real estate industry steady and healthy development related policy formulation. Mainly includes the land supply policy, the financial policy and the tax policy and so on.


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