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发布时间:2018-09-14 08:05
【摘要】:房地产行业在中国的经济建设产业中占据重要的位置,大力发展房地产产业能有效拉动内需,带动相关产业链的发展。同时,房地产产业的发展也直接关系到人民的日常生活,在衣,食,住,行中,人民的住房需求是生活的最基本物质需求。国家要改善民生,首先要解决人民的住房问题。大汉集团从事房地产产业才短短一二十年的时间,还处于一个黄金的发展期。在这短短十几年的时间内大汉集团经历了中国房地产产业发展的各个阶段,实践中积累了丰富的项目风险控制经验。现在中国房地产行业趋于向成熟稳健的市场环境发展,政府对房地产行业政策法令越来越完善是市场更加成熟的标志。同时政府以及社会舆论越来越关注中国人民的住房条件的改善情况,在这样的背景条件下政府也加大了对房地产行业的宏观调控并推出了一系列的控制房价的举措。一系列的政策调整,大汉集团的发展面临了新的机遇和挑战。中国现阶段的房地产项目开发风险越来越高,对大汉集团来说项目开发的管理水平和风险控制能力在项目开发中越来越重要。除此之外,在中小城镇,为了带动当地经济发展,加快我国城镇化建设步伐,政府鼓励和支持在这些中小城镇发展合适的房地产城镇开发项目。中小城镇建设项目发展成为未来中国房地产行业发展的新空间。大汉集团就是一家实力雄厚的民营房地产项目开发公司,成功开发了许多房地产建设项目。在房地产开发风险越来越高的今天,大汉集团的模式成为具有代表性的项目开发模式,并且受到了北京专家还有中央政府的关注。 本文就是在深入调研了大汉集团的房地产开发项目风险管理的基础上,结合了风险控制理论研究,提出了大汉集团房地产项目开发风险控制方法和策略。将大汉集团房地产项目开发过程分为:项目决策阶段,征地阶段,建造阶段和销售阶段。针对每个阶段所遇到的风险因素采用不同的处理方法。在项目决策阶段和征地阶段采用模糊综合评价法建立风险模型,在建造阶段和销售阶段采用系统动力学风险模型研究。 本文最后,根据对项目开发中的风险评价结果,提出了在项目决策阶段,征地阶段,建造阶段和销售阶段的风险控制策略。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry occupies an important position in the economic construction industry of China. The development of real estate industry can effectively stimulate domestic demand and promote the development of related industry chain. At the same time, the development of real estate industry is also directly related to the daily life of the people, in clothing, food, housing, transportation, the people's housing needs are the most basic material needs of life. The state wants to improve people's livelihood, must solve the people's housing problem first. Big Han group engaged in real estate industry only a short period of 10-20 years, is still in a golden development period. In this short period of more than ten years, Dahan Group has experienced various stages of the development of China's real estate industry, and accumulated rich experience of project risk control in practice. Now the real estate industry in China tends to develop into a mature and stable market environment, and the government's policy and regulations on the real estate industry are becoming more and more perfect, which is a sign of more mature market. At the same time, the government and public opinion pay more and more attention to the improvement of the housing conditions of the Chinese people. Under this background, the government has also stepped up the macro-control of the real estate industry and launched a series of measures to control housing prices. A series of policy adjustments, the development of Dahan Group has faced new opportunities and challenges. The risk of real estate project development in China is getting higher and higher at the present stage. For Dahan Group, the management level and risk control ability of project development are becoming more and more important in project development. In addition, in small and medium-sized towns, in order to promote local economic development and accelerate the pace of urbanization in China, the government encourages and supports the development of suitable real estate urban development projects in these small and medium-sized towns. The small and medium-sized town construction project development becomes the future Chinese real estate industry development new space. Dahan Group is a strong private real estate project development company, successfully developed many real estate construction projects. Nowadays, the risk of real estate development is becoming higher and higher, the model of Dahan Group has become a representative project development model, and has been concerned by experts in Beijing as well as the central government. Based on the deep investigation of the risk management of real estate development project of Dahan Group and the research of risk control theory, this paper puts forward the method and strategy of risk control in real estate project development of Dahan Group. The development process of real estate project in Dahan Group is divided into three stages: project decision stage, land requisition stage, construction stage and sales stage. Different methods are used to deal with the risk factors encountered in each stage. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to establish the risk model in the stage of project decision and land requisition, and the risk model of system dynamics is used to study the risk model in the stage of construction and sale. Finally, according to the risk evaluation results of the project development, the paper puts forward the risk control strategy in the project decision-making stage, the land acquisition stage, the construction stage and the sales stage.


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