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发布时间:2018-09-14 08:22
【摘要】:随着我国城市化的进一步深入,城市人口不断增加,因此扩大城市的可利用空间变得尤为重要。从交通和居住两方面来考虑,越来越多的城市通过兴建地铁与高层住宅来缓解人口密集所带来的问题。不可避免的就会在运营地铁线路周围兴建高层建筑物,由于建筑物的基坑施工会引起基坑周围土体的扰动,进而对邻近地铁区间隧道产生一定作用。基于此,研究基坑施工对邻近地铁的影响意义重大。 本文以邻近天津地铁9号线大王庄站至十一径路站区间隧道的中粮集团某房地产深基坑施工为背景,采用现场监测与数值模拟相结合的方法进行研究。实际监测阶段主要包括前期的施工降水、基坑的土方开挖与基坑底板施工,采用信息化的监测方法,对地铁隧道的水平与竖向位移进行了重点监测。数值模拟采用了大型有限元软件ANSYS,将基坑、围护结构及地铁隧道作为整体进行建模,采用水土分算的方法,利用ANSYS中的单元“生死”功能模拟基坑土方开挖的过程,对基坑施工进行了三维数值模拟研究。最后将数值模拟结果同现场监测结果进行对比,趋势相同,吻合较好。 通过一系列分析,基坑施工对邻近地铁区间有一定的影响,主要体现在基坑开挖所对应的地铁区间将会产生朝向基坑方向的水平位移与向下的竖直位移,并且竖向位移远大于水平位移;另外,由于天津地区地下水较为丰富,在基坑施工的过程中,,基坑降水对地铁具有较大的影响,建议在今后的施工过程应予以高度的重视。
[Abstract]:With the further development of urbanization in China, the urban population is increasing, so it is very important to expand the available space of cities. In terms of both transportation and housing, more and more cities are building subways and high-rise housing to alleviate the problems caused by population density. It is inevitable that high-rise buildings will be built around the subway lines. Because the foundation pit construction of the building will cause disturbance of soil around the foundation pit, it will play a certain role in the adjacent subway tunnel. Based on this, it is of great significance to study the influence of foundation pit construction on adjacent subways. Based on the construction of a real estate deep foundation pit in a real estate of Cofco Group which is adjacent to the tunnel between Dawangzhuang Station of Tianjin Metro Line 9 and the station area of Xi Jing Road, this paper adopts the method of combining field monitoring and numerical simulation to study the construction of deep foundation pit of a real estate of Cofco Group. The actual monitoring stage mainly includes the pre-construction dewatering, the excavation of foundation pit and the construction of foundation pit floor. The level and vertical displacement of subway tunnel are mainly monitored by using the information monitoring method. The numerical simulation uses the large-scale finite element software ANSYS, to model the foundation pit, the enclosure structure and the subway tunnel as a whole, and uses the method of soil and water division to simulate the excavation process of the foundation pit by using the function of "life and death" in ANSYS. The three-dimensional numerical simulation of foundation pit construction is carried out. Finally, the numerical simulation results are compared with the field monitoring results, the trend is the same and the agreement is good. Through a series of analyses, the foundation pit construction has a certain influence on the adjacent subway section, which is mainly reflected in the horizontal displacement in the direction of the foundation pit and the vertical displacement down in the subway section corresponding to the excavation of the foundation pit. And the vertical displacement is far greater than the horizontal displacement; in addition, because of the abundance of groundwater in Tianjin area, the foundation pit dewatering has great influence on the subway during the foundation pit construction, so it is suggested that high attention should be paid to the construction process in the future.


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2 刘艳;;深基坑监测技术及进展[J];山西建筑;2007年32期

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1 李志伟;软土地区深基坑开挖对邻近建筑物影响的三维有限元分析[D];天津大学;2011年




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