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发布时间:2018-10-04 20:24
【摘要】:从1981年,国家尝试在深圳广州进行商品房开发,到现在,地产项目在全国遍地开花,短短的三十年时间,我国的房地产业高速发展,在国民经济中的地位举足轻重。随着房地产市场化的不断深入,地产项目的开发朝着规模化和集约化的方向发展,地产企业也大都随之进入了大规模、多项目的开发阶段。能否同时运作不同发展阶段的多个项目,不仅成为判断地产企业是否成熟的标志,也是地产企业走向规模化的必经之路。但是相对于单个项目而言,多项目的运作管理要显得更加复杂,它不仅要求企业将现有的资源在多个项目之间进行协调分配,以取得最优的组合,同时也对企业的人力资源也提出了更高的要求。因此地产企业如何运用现有的一些管理工具来实现这些要求,成为企业迫切解决的问题。 本文首先介绍了多项目管理以及资源管理的理论根源、产生的背景以及发展的趋势,并对DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源管理研究所涉及的研究背景和研究意义进行讨论分析。然后对DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源管理特征进行分析,主要从宏观角度、微观角度对DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源管理的影响因素进行探讨,,并对约束DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源的瓶颈因素进行深入剖析;接着通过以DGDF公司HZ开发的五个项目为研究对象,分析其内部的组织结构、资源结构,并对DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源管理系统进行分析研究;最后,在对DGDF公司HZ多项目开发的特征和管理结构分析的基础上,基于系统建模技术,对DGDF公司HZ多项目开发的变量要素进行详细分析,进而构建DGDF公司HZ多项目开发的系统模型,并进行实例验证。 本文通过研读文献资料,在对国内外研究现状有基本了解的基础上,通过文献资料法、规范分析法、理论分析法等相结合的方法,经由校内外导师的指导,以DGDF公司在HZ的五个地产项目开发建设过程为例,分析和研究DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源管理的影响因素,建立DGDF公司HZ多项目开发资源管理模型,并利用DGDF公司HZ项目实际数据验证模型的合理性,并提出该模型在实际中应用的建议,从而为房地产企业在进行多项目开发资源管理提供参考意见。
[Abstract]:From 1981, the country tried to carry on the commercial housing development in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and now, the real estate project is blooming everywhere in the whole country. In a short period of 30 years, the real estate industry of our country develops at a high speed and plays an important role in the national economy. With the deepening of real estate marketization, the development of real estate projects towards the direction of scale and intensive development, real estate enterprises have also entered the large-scale, multi-project development stage. It is not only a sign to judge whether the real estate enterprise is mature or not, but also the only way for the real estate enterprise to go to scale. However, compared with a single project, the operation and management of multi-project should be more complicated. It not only requires enterprises to coordinate and allocate the existing resources among multiple projects, so as to obtain the optimal combination. At the same time, the human resources of enterprises also put forward higher requirements. Therefore, how to use some existing management tools to achieve these requirements has become an urgent problem for real estate enterprises. In this paper, the theoretical origin, background and development trend of multi-project management and resource management are introduced, and the research background and significance of HZ multi-project development resource management research of DGDF Company are discussed and analyzed. Then the characteristics of HZ multi-project development resource management of DGDF Company are analyzed, and the influencing factors of HZ multi-project development resource management of DGDF Company are discussed from the macro and micro angles. The bottleneck factors that constrain the HZ multi-project development resources of DGDF Company are deeply analyzed, and then the internal organization structure and resource structure are analyzed by taking five projects developed by DGDF Company HZ as the research object. Finally, on the basis of the analysis of the characteristics and management structure of HZ multi-project development of DGDF Company, based on the system modeling technology, the paper analyzes the resource management system of HZ multi-project development of DGDF Company. The variable elements of HZ multi-project development of DGDF company are analyzed in detail, and then the system model of HZ multi-project development of DGDF company is constructed and verified by an example. Based on a basic understanding of the current research situation at home and abroad, this paper combines the methods of literature, normative analysis, theoretical analysis, and so on, and through the guidance of mentors inside and outside the school, through the study of literature and materials, and on the basis of a basic understanding of the current research situation at home and abroad. Taking the development and construction process of five real estate projects in HZ of DGDF Company as an example, this paper analyzes and studies the influencing factors of HZ multi-project development resource management in DGDF Company, and establishes the HZ multi-project development resource management model of DGDF Company. The rationality of the model is verified by the actual data of HZ project of DGDF Company, and the suggestion of application of the model in practice is put forward, so as to provide the reference for the real estate enterprise to carry on the multi-project development resource management.


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