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发布时间:2018-10-05 13:49
【摘要】:近年来由于房地产行业的过热发展,国家宏观调控政策频繁出台,给房地产业带来了很大的冲击,2008年的金融危机又给房地产行业的发展雪上加霜。受到金融危机的影响,国家政策随之调整,房地产业政策放宽,2012年房地产行业仍然处于上升阶段。兴盛房地产经过三年多的快速发展已经成为一家资产过亿元,在邹平县房地产市场上具有强劲竞争实力的房地产明星企业。面对宏观调控政策、行业内的激烈竞争、良好的市场机遇和自身实力的局限,企业应选择什么样的发展道路成为关注的问题。 本文从公司的内外环境分析入手,运用战略管理理论、企业资源理论、企业核心能力理论、营销理论等,结合行业特点,,探讨在企业中推行战略管理观念,实施有效的竞争战略的方法。运用SWOT分析法、迈克尔·波特的五种竞争力量模型和房地产基本理论为基础,对兴盛房地产公司所处宏观环境、行业环境和企业自身竞争能力进行分析,提出产品差异化、品牌化、专业发展战略化的发展思路。最终为企业提出了产品差异化、注重品牌建设、提高经营管理质量、提升人力资源的管理、树立企业文化等策略。
[Abstract]:In recent years, because of the overheated development of the real estate industry, the national macro-control policy has been issued frequently, which has brought a great impact to the real estate industry, and the financial crisis of 2008 has made the development of the real estate industry worse. Affected by the financial crisis, the national policy was adjusted, real estate policy relaxed, the real estate industry in 2012 is still on the rise. After more than three years of rapid development, Xingsheng Real Estate has become a star enterprise with more than 100 million yuan of assets and strong competitive power in Zouping County real estate market. In the face of macro-control policies, fierce competition in the industry, good market opportunities and limitations of their own strength, what kind of development path should enterprises choose becomes a concern. Starting with the analysis of the internal and external environment of the company, this paper applies the theory of strategic management, the theory of enterprise resources, the theory of core competence of enterprise, the theory of marketing, and so on, combining with the characteristics of the industry, to probe into the implementation of the concept of strategic management in the enterprise. Methods of implementing an effective competitive strategy. On the basis of SWOT analysis, Michael Porter's five competitive force models and the basic theory of real estate, this paper analyzes the macro environment, the industry environment and the competitive ability of Xingsheng Real Estate Company, and puts forward the product differentiation. Brand, professional development strategic development ideas. Finally, the strategies of product differentiation, brand building, management quality, human resource management and corporate culture are put forward.


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