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发布时间:2018-10-09 13:09
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国经济平均以9.75%的速度快速增长,人均可支配收入大幅增加,人民生活水平显著提高。但伴随着经济增长,中国共出现了五次不同程度的通货膨胀,严重影响了我国国民经济的平稳运行。随着改革开放的逐渐深入,特别是中国加入WTO以来,国际化进程不断加快,对外联系越来越紧密,国外通货膨胀对我国经济的影响显现出来。由于我国的粗放型生产模式需要大量原材料投入,原材料价格的变动会对我国物价产生很大影响;此外,我国的外贸依存度一度达到了60%,GDP依赖进出口的比重非常大。当国外出现通货膨胀时很容易通过物价传导和进出口变动造成我国物价上涨。我国学者对传统通货膨胀的研究已经非常丰富,但对输入性通货膨胀的研究仍比较缺乏。我国是否存在输入性通货膨胀,哪几轮通货膨胀带有输入性因素,,输入性通货膨胀的特征是什么,危害是什么,如何治理?本文对以上几个问题进行了研究探讨。 第一章概括介绍了通货膨胀的概念、分类以及研究成果。第二章描述了目前输入性通货膨胀的研究状况,并就输入性通货膨胀如何通过国际贸易、资本输入、汇率变动进行传导进行了分析。第三章对我国五轮通货膨胀的输入性因素进行分析,并就进口环节、国际收支环节、资本流入环节的通胀指标进行了对比分析。第四章根据上文的分析梳理出我国输入性通货膨胀的特征,具体包括范围广泛,影响深远,以及与其他类型通货膨胀联系紧密等方面。同时本文也对输入性通货膨胀的危害进行了阐述,主要有会使我国企业国际竞争力下降,导致我国外汇储备缩水,造成人民币币值不稳,以及资本和房地产市场波动等。第五章则从如何采用合理的货币政策,增加我国汇率弹性并加快利率市场化进程,大力发展现代农业和完善我国外汇管理体制且鼓励向外投资五个方面,对如何治理输入性通货膨胀提出了建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has grown at an average rate of 9.75 percent, the per capita disposable income has increased substantially, and the living standards of the people have improved significantly. However, with the economic growth, there are five times of inflation in China, which seriously affects the smooth operation of our national economy. With the deepening of reform and opening up, especially since China's entry into WTO, the process of internationalization is speeding up, and the external relations are becoming closer and closer. The influence of foreign inflation on our economy has emerged. Because the extensive production mode of our country needs a large amount of raw material input, the change of raw material price will have a great influence on the price of our country. In addition, our country's foreign trade dependence degree once reached 60% GDP dependence on import and export proportion is very large. When there is inflation in foreign countries, it is easy to cause price rise through price transmission and import and export changes. The research on traditional inflation has been very rich in our country, but the research on imported inflation is still lacking. Is there imported inflation in our country, which round of inflation has input factors, what are the characteristics of imported inflation, what is the harm, and how to manage it? The above problems are studied and discussed in this paper. The first chapter introduces the concept of inflation, classification and research results. The second chapter describes the current research situation of imported inflation, and analyzes how import inflation is conducted through international trade, capital input and exchange rate change. The third chapter analyzes the import factors of China's five rounds of inflation, and makes a comparative analysis on the inflation index of import link, international balance of payments link and capital inflow link. The fourth chapter combs out the characteristics of China's imported inflation according to the above analysis, including a wide range, far-reaching impact, and closely related to other types of inflation and so on. At the same time, this paper also expounds the harm of imported inflation, which will decrease the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises, reduce the foreign exchange reserve of our country, cause the instability of RMB currency, as well as the fluctuation of capital and real estate market, etc. The fifth chapter focuses on five aspects: how to adopt reasonable monetary policy, how to increase the elasticity of exchange rate and accelerate the process of interest rate marketization, vigorously develop modern agriculture and perfect our foreign exchange management system and encourage outward investment. Some suggestions on how to control the imported inflation are put forward.


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4 张哲人;赵鹏;周梅;;对输入型通货膨胀压力问题的初步探讨[J];中国经贸导刊;2007年18期




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