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发布时间:2018-10-10 06:36
【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国经济一直保持着飞快的增长速度,房地产市场也不断发展,人们的住房问题日益凸显,尤其是中低收入人群的住房困难成为了最受关注的民生问题。为了解决这部分人群的居住问题,实现“人人住有所居”的目标,我国大力提倡发展公租房作为途径,健全和完善社会保障体制,保障中低收入人群的切身利益。但公租房的建设资金需求量很大,目前仅仅依靠政府的财力支持是远远不够的,为了公租房的建设顺利达标,寻求有效的融资模式多渠道筹集资金是亟待解决的关键问题。本文以BOT模式为出发点,重点论述了利用BOT模式进行公租房融资的可行性和必要性,从政府的激励机制为切入点阐述如何使BOT模式发挥最大的效果来筹集社会资金完成公租房建设的任务。 本文的结构框架如下:第1章是绪论,分析了选题的背景和研究此课题的意义,接着阐述了国内外对此研究方向的现状,然后说明了本文的研究内容和所采用的研究方法和技术路选图以及特色和创新点。第2章则从本文涉及到的相关概念和理论基础进行了综合的阐述,对文中出现的一些专有名词进行了详细的说明解释。第3章开始分析我国公租房融资发展现状。这一章是转折章,重点说明了公租房建设运营的情况以及融资现状,然后分析了目前现存的融资现状中存在的一些问题,引出了社会资金参与到公租房建设的必要性和可行性分析,为下文的融资模式作了陈述的铺垫。第4章就是开始重点论述BOT融资模式,先从BOT模式的发展开始,分析了BOT模式的特点以及运作机制和框架,使得BOT模式的运作思路很清晰的呈现出来,接着从微观方面对公租房融资引入BOT模式的可行性和必要性进行了详细的论述。第5章,开始从BOT融资模式的运行机制、系统关系、融资框架、运作程序四个方面论述了公租房利用BOT模式进行融资的具体激励措施,最后从运行保障方面的论述进行了激励机制阐述的收尾。第6章是对本文的一个总结和展望,也是对本文整体思路的一个整理,最后说明了研究本课题的一些不足之处。 希望通过此课题的研究能够为拓宽公租房融资渠道,对目前亟待解决的资金短缺问题提供一些理论上的帮助,为政府在做出决策的时候提供理论依据和参考价值。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy has maintained a rapid growth rate, the real estate market has also continued to develop, people's housing problems have become increasingly prominent, especially the housing difficulties of low and middle income people have become the most concerned about the livelihood of the people. In order to solve the housing problem of this part of the population and realize the goal of "everyone living in a house", our country strongly advocates the development of public housing as a way to improve and perfect the social security system and protect the vital interests of middle and low income people. At present, it is far from enough to rely on the financial support of the government. In order to meet the standard of the construction of public rental housing, the key problem to be solved is to seek effective financing mode and raise funds through multiple channels. Based on the BOT model, this paper focuses on the feasibility and necessity of using the BOT model to finance public rental housing. From the angle of the government's incentive mechanism, this paper expounds how to make the BOT model exert the maximum effect to raise the social funds to complete the task of the public rental housing construction. The structure of this paper is as follows: chapter 1 is an introduction, analysis of the background of the topic and the significance of the study, and then elaborated the current situation of the research direction at home and abroad. Then it explains the research content, the research method and the technical route selection, as well as the characteristics and innovation points of this paper. In the second chapter, the related concepts and theoretical basis are comprehensively expounded, and some proper nouns appear in this paper are explained in detail. Chapter 3 begins to analyze the current situation of public rental housing financing in China. This chapter is a turning point chapter, focusing on the construction and operation of public rental housing as well as the current situation of financing, and then analyzed the existing financing situation of some problems, It leads to the necessity and feasibility analysis of social capital participation in the construction of public rental housing, which lays the groundwork for the following financing model. The fourth chapter is to begin to focus on the BOT financing model, first from the development of the BOT model, analyzed the characteristics of the BOT model, as well as the operational mechanism and framework, so that the operation of the BOT model is clearly presented. Secondly, the feasibility and necessity of introducing BOT model into public rental housing financing are discussed in detail. In chapter 5, the author discusses the specific incentive measures of public rental housing financing by BOT mode from four aspects: the operating mechanism, the system relationship, the financing framework and the operation procedure of BOT financing mode. At last, the paper concludes the exposition of incentive mechanism from the aspect of operation guarantee. Chapter 6 is a summary and prospect of this paper, and also a collation of the whole idea of this paper. Finally, some shortcomings of the research are explained. It is hoped that the research on this topic can provide some theoretical help to widen the financing channels of public rental housing and provide some theoretical basis and reference value for the government to make the decision.


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