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发布时间:2018-10-09 20:08
【摘要】:战略规划是企业发展的首要问题,关乎企业的生死存亡。特别是企业面临转型时,战略规划更是重中之重。近年来,城投类公司在加快城市化进程、助推地方经济快速增长中作出了很大的成绩,日渐成为推动城市发展的建设主体。但随着经济发展及环境变化,特别是政府投融资平台政策影响,绝大多数城投类公司陷入了发展瓶颈,面临着市场转型,急需制定发展战略,以实现可持续发展。 本文以龙津公司为研究对象,从其发展现状及要求着眼,对其内部优势、劣势及面临的外部机遇、威胁等关键因素进行分析,运用SWOT分析矩阵、SPACE矩阵、IE矩阵等战略分析工具,对龙津公司进行战略定位及选择,提出符合其资源条件和能力的发展战略,并据此制定出一系列切实、可行的保障措施。 通过分析,笔者首次提出了龙津公司愿景及使命,明确了龙津公司在发展战略选择上实施多元化战略,狠抓基础设施建设主业,多渠道拓展房地产开发(保障性住房及商业房地产)、工业地产、城市运营、新能源开发及利用等领域。同时,针对多元化经营业务中的基础设施建设,采取低成本领先竞争战略,充分利用集团公司优势资源,降低建设成本;在商业房地产及工业地产开发方面采用差异化竞争战略,将经营重点分别放在保障性住房建设及工业园区物流、仓库等设施建设上,提升企业综合竞争实力。 为此,龙津公司要在战略实施中探索和尝试多元化经营,同时在组织方面完善股权结构及法人治理模式、调整组织机构、明确公司定位;在资金方面创新融资方式,增强公司资金规模;在人才管理方面健全制度、优化培训、完善考核,加强人才总体优势;并在技术改进与信息化建设,资金风险、政策风险、质量风险防范等保障措施方面寻求突破,使公司保持持久的竞争优势,实现健康、稳定、可持续发展。
[Abstract]:Strategic planning is the most important issue in the development of enterprises, which is related to the life and death of enterprises. Especially when enterprises are facing transition, strategic planning is the most important. In recent years, city investment companies have made great achievements in speeding up the process of urbanization and promoting the rapid growth of local economy, and have gradually become the main body of construction to promote the development of cities. However, with the economic development and environmental changes, especially the impact of the government investment and financing platform policy, most of the CICs have fallen into the bottleneck of development and are facing the market transformation. Therefore, it is urgent to formulate development strategies to achieve sustainable development. This article takes Long John Company as the research object, from its development present situation and the request, carries on the analysis to its internal strength, the inferiority and the external opportunity, the threat and so on the key factor, uses the SWOT analysis matrix and so on strategic analysis tool such as space matrix and IE matrix. This paper makes strategic orientation and selection for Long John Company, puts forward the development strategy according with its resource condition and ability, and formulates a series of practical and feasible safeguard measures accordingly. Through the analysis, the author puts forward the vision and mission of Long John Company for the first time, and clarifies the implementation of diversification strategy in the choice of development strategy, and pays close attention to the main industry of infrastructure construction. Multi-channel expansion of real estate development (affordable housing and commercial real estate), industrial real estate, urban operations, new energy development and utilization and other fields. At the same time, aiming at the infrastructure construction in diversified business, we should adopt the low cost leading competition strategy, make full use of the advantage resources of the group company, and reduce the construction cost. In commercial real estate and industrial real estate development, the strategy of differentiation competition is adopted, and the management emphasis is placed on the construction of indemnificatory housing and industrial park logistics, warehouse and other facilities respectively, so as to enhance the comprehensive competitive strength of enterprises. For this reason, Long John Company should explore and try to diversify management in the implementation of strategy, at the same time, improve the ownership structure and corporate governance mode in the organizational aspect, adjust the organization, define the company's position, innovate the financing way in the capital aspect, Strengthen the company's capital scale; perfect the system, optimize the training, perfect the examination, strengthen the overall advantage of the talents in the aspect of talent management; and improve the technical improvement and information construction, fund risk, policy risk, Quality risk prevention and other security measures to seek breakthroughs, so that the company to maintain a lasting competitive advantage, to achieve health, stability, sustainable development.


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