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发布时间:2018-10-11 13:16
[Abstract]:The existence of quality problems in commercial housing is a common phenomenon in judicial practice, and it is also one of the main reasons for the disputes between buyers and real estate developers. The quality responsibility of commercial housing refers to the responsibility of the developer for the quality of the commercial house purchased by the buyer during the warranty period. The characteristics of the quality responsibility of commercial housing include the legal and contractual obligations of the developer, the purpose of recovering the loss of the buyer and the mandatory norm. The quality problems in judicial practice include that the subject does not conform to the conditions of delivery, that the normal use is seriously affected after delivery and that the general quality is affected. Therefore, identification plays an important role in distinguishing the category of quality problems. However, the selection of identification agencies, the submission of identification materials and the bearing of identification fees are the most controversial areas between the two parties. If the main body of a commercial house does not meet the conditions for delivery and use, the buyer may cancel the contract directly, and if the commercial house seriously affects the normal use of the house, the buyer may request cancellation of the contract or request compensation for loss or repair of the building, For general quality problems, the buyer can only claim damages or repair the house. In reality, many developers in the sale of commercial housing, the way to cancel the company's qualifications to avoid legal responsibility. In this case, the buyer may, according to his own circumstances, require different subjects to bear the corresponding legal liability, the developer shall bear the responsibility of the liquidation organization in the liquidation process, and the shareholders shall bear the responsibility for the developer who has liquidated and cancelled, The unit that the developer amalgamates or separates should undertake responsibility by the unit after amalgamation or division, if developer entrusts other unit to perform warranty obligation, ought to undertake responsibility by fiduciary unit, or by the construction unit of commodity house, underwriting Orgnaization undertakes responsibility.


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