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发布时间:2018-10-13 14:16
【摘要】:在目前的中国房地产市场,最具竞争力,销售旺盛的依然是小户型。小户型的主要购买人群青年人。现在房地产市场正处于疲软期,随着房子的增值溢价空间越来越小,购买者越发注重房子的品质。良好的户型、优质的园区景观已被各大房地产开发商模仿和借鉴。如何在户型最佳、景观优美、配套齐全楼盘整脱颖而出征服市场,已经是专注住宅类房地产商关系存亡的问题。为城市青年置业者量身打造符合其居住和品质要求住舒适居所,增加房屋的附加值,从室内各功能空间的设计和装饰角度出发积极引导潜在客户,从而促进销售。满足青年群体居住需求,充分利用有限空间,提高青年群体居住舒适度是此次研究的主要问题 本文从城市青年群体的个性特征出发,探究青年群体在住房上的居住需求。并根据这些实际需求提出适宜城市青年小户型住宅的一些适用设计原则。结合人体工程学及国家住宅面积规范要求,对青年小户型住宅中卧室、餐厅、厨房、阳台、卫生间等各个功能区的空间尺寸提出基本要求,对各功能区进行合理的面积划分及功能细化,研究出空间的合理布局,从而得出设计结论:面积划分中应做好弹性设计,在保证居住标准前提下充分发挥各功能区的使用价值;空间布局上应充分权衡私密空间与公共空间间的比重及分隔,合理安排储藏空间;装饰风格上,应装饰、实用并重,坚持简洁、时尚的风格。最后对各个功能空间的设计提出自己的见解及想法,在设计中将自由空间创意理念、现代智能化理念、可持续发展的生态理念有机融入,并以成都青年群体特征作为参考,力求设计出适合城市青年居住的室内空间。
[Abstract]:In the current Chinese real estate market, the most competitive, sales are still small Huxing. Small type of the main buyers of young people. The real estate market is now in a weak phase, and buyers are paying more attention to the quality of their homes as the room for appreciation premiums shrinks. Good Huxing, high-quality park landscape has been imitated and used for reference by major real estate developers. How in the household type best, the landscape is beautiful, the complete supporting real estate whole stand out to conquer the market, already is the question which concentrates on the residence class real estate business relations survival or failure. For the urban youth homebuyers to meet their living and quality requirements to live in a comfortable residence, increase the added value of housing, from the indoor functional space design and decoration point of view to actively guide potential customers, thereby promoting sales. The main problem of this study is to meet the housing needs of youth groups, to make full use of limited space and to improve the living comfort of youth groups. This paper starts from the personality characteristics of urban youth groups. Explore the housing needs of youth groups. According to these practical needs, some applicable design principles for urban small-sized housing are put forward. In combination with the requirements of ergonomics and the national housing area code, the basic requirements are put forward for the space size of various functional areas such as bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, balconies, bathrooms, etc., in the small residence of young people. The reasonable area division and function refinement of each functional area are carried out, and the reasonable layout of space is studied, and the design conclusion is drawn: the flexible design should be done well in the area division, and the use value of each functional area should be brought into full play under the premise of ensuring the living standard; In space layout, the proportion and separation between private space and public space should be fully balanced, and storage space should be rationally arranged; in decoration style, the same emphasis should be placed on decoration and practicality, and the style of simplicity and fashion should be adhered to. Finally, the author puts forward his own views and ideas on the design of each functional space, and organically integrates the creative idea of free space, the modern intelligent idea and the ecological idea of sustainable development in the design, and takes the characteristics of Chengdu youth group as reference. Strive to design an indoor space suitable for urban youth to live in.


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1 王金凤;左铁锋;史彭涛;张明山;;人机工程学在家具设计中的应用[J];包装工程;2007年11期

2 高s,




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