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发布时间:2018-10-14 13:26
【摘要】:存量房市场是房地产市场的重要组成部分,其健康、稳定、可持续的发展有利于完善房地产市场的供给结构、满足不同层次购买力的住房需求。在房地产市场领域中,增量房与存量房交易总量比例是体现房地产市场发展阶段和成熟度的主要标志之一。在房地产市场发展较为成熟的欧美发达国家,存量房是房地产市场交易的主体,占市场总量的80%以上。当前,在我国经济发达的一线城市中,存量房交易量已经全面超过增量房交易量,集体进入存量房时代。据北京市住建委网站数据统计显示,北京存量住房成交量已经连续5年超过新建住房成交量。然而,北京存量房市场在快速发展的同时也还存在着诸多问题,扰乱存量房市场的正常秩序,制约存量房市场的健康发展。 本文以北京市存量房市场为研究对象,将北京存量房市场的问题实质与市场环境及现状紧密结合,坚持理论联系实际的科学方法,对北京市存量房市场的存在问题及发展对策进行研究。首先对存量房市场运行机制及市场特性进行分析,归纳总结存量房市场的影响因素;其次,结合目前北京存量房市场现状及特点,提出北京存量房市场中亟需解决的主要问题并进行成因分析;再次,结合发达国家及地区的先进经验,得出有利于我国存量房市场健康稳定持续发展的重要启示;最后,针对北京存量房市场存在的具体问题提出行之有效的解决对策,并为我国存量房市场发展提供具有一定价值的参考建议。
[Abstract]:The stock housing market is an important part of the real estate market. Its healthy, stable and sustainable development is conducive to perfecting the supply structure of the real estate market and meeting the housing demand of different purchasing power. In the field of real estate market, the ratio of incremental housing to stock house is one of the main signs of the development stage and maturity of real estate market. In the developed countries of Europe and America where the real estate market is more mature, the stock house is the main part of the real estate market, accounting for more than 80% of the total market. At present, in the first-tier cities with developed economy, the volume of stock housing has exceeded the volume of incremental housing, and has entered the age of stock house collectively. According to statistics from the Beijing Construction and Housing Commission website, the volume of stock housing transactions in Beijing has exceeded the volume of newly built houses for five consecutive years. However, with the rapid development of the stock housing market in Beijing, there are still many problems, which disturb the normal order of the stock house market and restrict the healthy development of the stock house market. This paper takes the stock house market of Beijing as the research object, combines the essence of the stock house market of Beijing with the market environment and the present situation, and insists on the scientific method of integrating theory with practice. This paper studies the existing problems and development countermeasures of the stock housing market in Beijing. Firstly, the operating mechanism and market characteristics of stock house market are analyzed, and the influencing factors of stock house market are summarized. Secondly, combined with the current situation and characteristics of stock house market in Beijing, Put forward the main problems that need to be solved in the stock housing market in Beijing and analyze the causes; thirdly, combine the advanced experience of developed countries and regions, draw the important enlightenment that is conducive to the healthy, stable and sustainable development of the stock housing market in our country; finally, In view of the concrete problems existing in the stock house market in Beijing, effective countermeasures are put forward, and some valuable reference suggestions are provided for the development of the stock house market in China.


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