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发布时间:2018-10-15 20:18
【摘要】:随着我国住房政策的改革和经济的发展,我国的房地产行业经历了一个非常迅速的发展。房地产市场规模不断扩大,交易额飞速上升。京控置业集团作为京控集团的二级公司,在这样的市场环境下整合旗下资源,介入房地产市场,如何从众多的竞争者中分得一杯羹,并且能够很好的抵御房地产市场的风险变化,需要建立科学合理的管控体系。本文将集团管控理论应用于企业实际管控体系建设的探索,从管控模式选择、组织架构设计、责权体系及业绩评价系统四个方面对京控置业集团的管控体系进行了科学分析,最终确定了京控置业集团的管控体系建设方案。 本论文以京控置业集团管控体系为研究对象,运用文献总结法、访谈调查法以及案例研究法,通过内部访谈等形式,对京控置业集团进行深入了解,以管控模式理论为基础,分析了企业内外部环境和市场发展趋势;提出了管控体系建设的目标并明确了下属各业务单元在集团中的业务战略定位;界定了京控置业集团应当采取战略操作型管控模式及集团总部作为战略管理中心、财务监控中心、资源管理中心、资本运营中心、运营协调中心,子公司成为利润中心的功能定位;根据其管理活动及组织架构设计理论,进行了京控置业集团的组织架构设计,明确了总部该设立的职能部门;根据权责体系划分,明确了各部门的权责并设计了核心流程;为了确保集团的流畅、高效运行,设计了集团的业绩评价系统。从而完成了对京控置业集团管控体系建设的研究。
[Abstract]:With the reform of housing policy and economic development, China's real estate industry has experienced a very rapid development. The scale of the real estate market continues to expand, the volume of transactions rose rapidly. As a second-level company of Beijing Control Group, the Beijing Real Estate Group integrates its resources in such a market environment, enters the real estate market, and how to get a piece of the cake from many competitors. And can resist the real estate market risk change, need to establish a scientific and reasonable control system. This paper applies the theory of group management and control to the exploration of the construction of the actual management and control system of the enterprise, and makes a scientific analysis of the control system of the group from four aspects: the choice of the management and control mode, the design of the organizational structure, the system of responsibility and authority and the system of performance evaluation. Finally determined the control system construction plan of Beijing control property group. Based on the theory of management and control mode, this paper takes the management and control system of Beijing control property group as the research object, uses the literature summary method, the interview investigation method and the case study method, through the internal interview and so on, carries on the thorough understanding to the Beijing control real estate group, takes the management and control mode theory as the foundation. This paper analyzes the internal and external environment and the market development trend of the enterprise, puts forward the objectives of the management and control system construction and clarifies the business strategic positioning of the subordinate business units in the group. The paper defines that Beijing control group should adopt the mode of strategic operational control and control, and that the headquarters of the group should serve as the strategic management center, the financial monitoring center, the resource management center, the capital operation center, and the operation coordination center. According to the theory of management activities and organizational structure design, this paper designs the organizational structure of Beijing control real estate group, defines the functional department to be set up by headquarters, and divides it according to the system of authority and responsibility. In order to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the group, the performance evaluation system of the group is designed. In order to complete the control system construction of Beijing control property group.


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