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发布时间:2018-10-20 07:50
【摘要】:伴随着我国改革开放政策的不断深入,我国的房地产企业迎来了自2008年至今以来的高投资回报率时代,房地产行业发展所带来的国民经济效益也是显而易见。但是,随着市场的日渐饱和以及国家各种宏观调控政策的颁布,房地产企业仍想保持以往的高收益也并非易事。所以,如何在保证工程质量的前提下,节约投资成本成为了各大房地产企业近些年来研究的重点问题。 本文引入委托代理、纳什均衡、激励机制等相关理论,,试图通过建议房地产企业聘请专业的项目管理公司来管理施工阶段的造价问题,以达到委托人与代理人双赢的工程项目造价控制结果。 此外,通过本人所就职的房地产公司一个真实的施工阶段造价控制案例,系统且全面的论述了本文所研究并予以探索的造价控制方法完全具有现实可行性,并且可以最终达到增加房地产企业收益的最终目标。 由于个人能力有限,且研究对象及研究内容的具有局限性,因此,研究成果并不全面,研究深度也未达到理想程度。本论文只求对施工过程中造价控制的研究起到抛砖引玉的作用,希望能对我国施工阶段造价控制模式的研究有参考借鉴的价值。
[Abstract]:With the deepening of China's reform and opening policy, the real estate enterprises in our country have ushered in the era of high rate of return on investment since 2008, and the national economic benefits brought by the development of real estate industry are also obvious. However, with the increasing saturation of the market and the promulgation of various macroeconomic control policies, it is not easy for real estate companies to maintain the high returns in the past. Therefore, how to save the investment cost under the premise of ensuring the project quality has become the key problem of the real estate enterprises in recent years. This paper introduces principal-agent, Nash equilibrium, incentive mechanism and other relevant theories, trying to propose real estate enterprises to hire professional project management companies to manage the cost of the construction phase. In order to achieve a win-win client and agent engineering project cost control results. In addition, through the real estate company I work for a real construction stage of cost control case, a systematic and comprehensive discussion of the research and exploration of the cost control method has full practical feasibility. And can finally achieve the ultimate goal of increasing the income of real estate enterprises. Because of the limited ability of individual and the limitation of the research object and research content, the research results are not comprehensive and the research depth is not up to the ideal level. The purpose of this paper is to provide a valuable reference for the study of the cost control in the construction process in our country.


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