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发布时间:2018-10-23 19:29
【摘要】:中国法律法规的翻译随着中国的对外开放,尤其是中国加入世界贸易组织,越来越成为中国对外法律交流和对外贸易等活动的重要环节。当前我国的物业管理在社会经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。《哈尔滨市物业管理条例》是具体的地方性的法律法规,所以翻译我省的房地产物业管理的规范性和法制性的条例条款,对我省引进海外房地产的开发与投资有着重要作用。此类文本的翻译直接关系着国外房地产开发商和外籍住户对该市房地产物业管理条例的了解。同时法律条例在词汇、句法、语意有着区别于其他文本的特性。那么如何做好哈尔滨物业管理的外宣工作,准确地传达规范性的法律条例,使译文和原文达到功能性的对等都成为了翻译工作的重中之重。 本翻译实践报告讨论的对象为《哈尔滨市物业管理条例》汉英翻译项目。译前准备阶段,笔者仔细研读了法律词典中物业管理方面常用的词汇、短语和句式,搜集了物业管理方面的中英文版本,为不断地修正并改进译文提供参考。由于《哈尔滨市物业管理条例》的翻译兼顾了法律条例的翻译以及哈尔滨物业管理的外宣译文,因此译者在翻译时要尽量传达与原文相同的信息,汉译英时要注意源文本和目标语义上的对等。本次报告将以诺德的文本分析理论为指导,分析翻译过程中所必须考虑的文外因素,根据物业管理条例作为信息型文本的特点,,总结译文的文体特征并确定翻译方法。使译语更符合目标读者的语言要求。分析笔者翻译实践中的典型案例,总结翻译难点,如物业管理条例中专业词汇和惯用表达的翻译,举例分析了情态动词shall的翻译,最后指出翻译中译者应该具备的素质。本报告将理论与实践相结合,预期为此类文本的翻译处理提供一些借鉴。
[Abstract]:With China's opening to the outside world, especially China's accession to the World Trade Organization, the translation of Chinese laws and regulations has become an important link in China's foreign legal exchanges and foreign trade activities. At present, property management in our country is playing a more and more important role in the social economy. The regulations on property Management in Harbin are specific local laws and regulations. Therefore, the normative and legal provisions of real estate management in our province play an important role in the development and investment of overseas real estate. The translation of this kind of text is directly related to the foreign real estate developers and foreign residents' understanding of the property management regulations of the city. At the same time, laws and regulations in terms of vocabulary, syntax, meaning have different characteristics from other texts. So how to do well in Harbin property management publicity, accurately convey the normative laws and regulations, so that the translation and original text to achieve functional equivalence has become the most important translation work. The object of this translation practice report is Harbin property Management regulations. In the stage of preparation for translation, the author carefully studied the commonly used words, phrases and sentence patterns of property management in the legal dictionary, collected the English and Chinese versions of property management, and provided a reference for the continuous revision and improvement of the translation. Since the translation of Harbin property Management regulations takes into account the translation of laws and regulations as well as the translation of Harbin property Management, translators should try their best to convey the same information as the original text. When translating from Chinese to English, we should pay attention to the equivalence of the source text and the target semantic. Guided by Nord's theory of text analysis, this report will analyze the extrinsic factors that must be considered in the process of translation, summarize the stylistic features of the translated text and determine the translation method according to the property management regulations as the characteristics of the informative text. To make the target language more in line with the language requirements of the target readers. This paper analyzes the typical cases in the translation practice, summarizes the translation difficulties, such as the translation of professional vocabulary and idiomatic expressions in the property management regulations, analyzes the translation of the modal verb shall with an example, and finally points out the qualities that the translator should possess in translation. This report combines theory with practice and is expected to provide some reference for the translation of such texts.


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