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发布时间:2018-10-26 20:01
【摘要】:我国目前房地产企业正面临一个全方位的创新时代。随着改革开放和经济改革的不断推进,房地产企业的数量和规模的变化,自身调整压力和同业竞争也在加剧。现房地产企业普遍缺乏现代企业经营管理的知识和经验,许多房地产企业的组织结构在很大程度上已经不能满足企业壮大后的需求。在当今激烈动荡的竞争环境下保持良好的组织结构是企业最重要的资源之一,房地产企业需要不断提高其核心竞争力和保持可持续发展,合理化的组织设计则是形势所趋。但是随着时代的逐渐发展,房地开发企业由于自身组织结构水平较低,企业存在生存模式不合理、之为定位不合理等问题,这也在一定程度上制约了企业的未来发展与整体实力。可以说,房地产开发企业普遍存在生存模式较差的问题,因此本文正是结合国内房地产开发企业现状对其进行剖析与解决。针对房地开发企业中存在的生存模式中的组织结构管理问题进行分析,根据不同类型房地开发企业的生存模式进行设计,房地开发企业的可持续健康发展意义重大。 本文通过对房地产开发企业生存模式中的组织架构的系统分析,为类似企业的生存模式设计提供问题和建议,也为类似房地产开发企业的生存模式设计提供模型和优化措施。首先阐述了企业组织结构基本概念及工作特征。其次分析当前我国房地产开发企业生存模式中的组织结构研究工作中存在的问题。第三就房地产开发企业发展中新型组织结构进行研究。最后在市场全球化下企业要想在激烈的市场竞争中避免被淘汰的结局,就必须保持竞争所需的勃勃生机和活力,而企业生存模式中的组织结构的优化及管理机制的创新,则是企业保持生机和活力的基本手段之一,并注重分析组织的结构研究。
[Abstract]:China's real estate enterprises are facing an all-round innovation era. With the development of reform and opening up and economic reform, the number and scale of real estate enterprises are changing, and the pressure of self-adjustment and the competition of the same industry are also intensified. At present, real estate enterprises generally lack the knowledge and experience of modern enterprises' management and management, and many real estate enterprises' organizational structure has to a large extent been unable to meet the needs of the enterprises after their expansion. Keeping a good organizational structure is one of the most important resources in the fierce and turbulent competitive environment. Real estate enterprises need to constantly improve their core competitiveness and maintain sustainable development. Rationalization of organizational design is the trend of the situation. However, with the gradual development of the times, because of its low level of organizational structure, the existence of the enterprise survival model is unreasonable, such as unreasonable positioning, and so on. This also restricts the future development and overall strength of the enterprise to a certain extent. It can be said that the real estate development enterprises generally exist the problem of poor survival mode, so this paper analyzes and solves the problem combining with the current situation of the domestic real estate development enterprises. Based on the analysis of the organizational structure management in the survival mode of the real estate development enterprises, the sustainable and healthy development of the premises development enterprises is of great significance in the design according to the survival mode of the different types of premises development enterprises. Through the systematic analysis of the organization structure in the survival mode of the real estate development enterprises, this paper provides problems and suggestions for the design of the survival mode of the similar enterprises, and also provides the model and the optimization measures for the design of the survival mode of the similar real estate development enterprises. At first, the basic concept and working characteristics of enterprise organization structure are expounded. Secondly, it analyzes the existing problems in the research of the organizational structure of the real estate development enterprises in our country. Third, the new organizational structure in the development of real estate development enterprises is studied. Finally, in order to avoid being eliminated in the fierce market competition under the market globalization, enterprises must keep the vitality and vitality needed by the competition, and the organizational structure optimization and management mechanism innovation in the enterprise survival mode. It is one of the basic means for enterprises to maintain vitality and pay attention to the analysis of organizational structure.


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