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发布时间:2018-10-29 11:25
【摘要】:居住建筑与人们生活最密切相关的一种建筑类型,其适应性一直是备受关注的话题。随着城市化进程的不断加快,城市人口递增、流动人口增多、家庭结构变化、房价居高不下及资源能源的消耗等问题对当前的城市住宅设计提出了新的挑战。2006年5月,国家颁布了相关政策文件,将房地产开发的重点定位为90m2以下的中小户型住宅。由此可见,积极发展中小户型显然是解决城市发展问题的重要环节之一。 如今,我们在居住建筑空间的设计领域中,设计思维相对保守,缺乏变通。要么因循守旧,要么不假思索的“拿来主义”,使居住空间缺少个性化差异。在城市居住空间严重趋同化的背景下,地域化、特色化的住宅应时而生,但其中多为豪华型独立住宅及大户型的集合住宅。高度工业化的中小户型居住空间受限于面积及成本等因素,其单一化的空间模式已逐渐不能满足人们对生活空间灵活多变的需要。作为市场占有比重最大的中小户型,只有尽可能适应住户的居住需求,才能具有更强的市场竞争力。 本文从分析具体的居住需求开始,以城市中小户型居住空间为研究对象,通过分析其发展背景,结合当前的研究成果,并参考国内外的成功经验,探讨其空间设计的整体原则,并引入弹性设计的概念,研究中小户型住宅空间的弹性设计指导思想、设计策略与技术支持,并通过住户参与角度及空间模型试验进行探讨和分析。本文研究的目标在于在有限的居住空间内,提供新的设计思路,力求表达出经济性、适用性、舒适性的居住空间,设计出符合当前中国国情和未来一段时间内能满足人们居住生活需求的中小户型空间模式。以期为今后的设计提供理论依据和实践参考。
[Abstract]:The adaptability of residential architecture, which is closely related to people's life, has always been a hot topic. With the accelerating process of urbanization, the problems of increasing urban population, increasing floating population, changing family structure, high house prices and consumption of resources and energy have posed new challenges to the current urban housing design. The state has promulgated relevant policy documents, will real estate development focus on the 90m2 below the small-and-medium-sized housing. Thus, the positive development of small-and-medium-sized households is obviously one of the most important links to solve the problem of urban development. Nowadays, in the field of residential space design, design thinking is relatively conservative and lack of flexibility. Either conformist or unthinkable, make the living space lack of individualized difference. Under the background of the serious assimilation of the urban living space, the regionalization and characteristic residence should be born in time, but most of them are the luxury independent residence and the large family house. The highly industrialized residential space of small and medium-sized households is limited by such factors as area and cost, and its single space mode has gradually failed to meet the flexible and changeable needs of people's living space. As a medium and small household type with the largest proportion of the market, it can have a stronger market competitiveness only if it can meet the residential needs of the residents as much as possible. This paper begins with the analysis of the specific housing needs, taking the urban small and medium-sized residential space as the research object, through analyzing its development background, combining with the current research results, and referring to the successful experience at home and abroad, discusses the overall principles of its space design. By introducing the concept of elastic design, the paper studies the guiding ideology, design strategy and technical support of the space flexibility design of small and medium-sized residential buildings, and discusses and analyzes it through the angle of household participation and the spatial model test. The goal of this paper is to provide a new design idea in the limited living space, and to express the economy, applicability and comfort of the living space. This paper designs a space model of small and medium-sized units which can meet the needs of people's living and living in the future and meet the current situation of China. In order to provide theoretical basis and practical reference for future design.


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