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发布时间:2018-10-30 11:49
【摘要】:园林景观是人类物质文明的产物,是文化构成的一个重要组成部分,其与人们的生活息息相关,,从某种程度上说,是民族自然观与居住观潜移默化的体现。随着经济文化的发展,居住区景观环境越来越受房地产发展商和居民的重视,现代居住区景观环境的营造也成为更大的发展趋势。 虽然我国园林发展历史悠久,古典园林设计方式闻名于世,但是随着物质文明的发展、社会的进步、文化的交融、艺术形式的多样化发展,单一的景观艺术形式无法满足多元化城市生活的需求,因此景观设计也逐渐向多元化发展,这也促使人们对现代景观设计理论的研究进入到全新的时期。然而,在这全球化的背景下,怎样引用外来景观文化,营造适合我国居住区文化景观也是当代设计师需要考虑的问题。 本文主要利用前人研究的结果,结合实例,针对目前我国居住小区对西方园林布局手法,节点营造及园林单体元素三个层面的特点表现及运用方式进行逐层深入的分析,通过对西方园林元素表现特征的分析,探寻其所体现出的人文内涵,寻求出两个园林体系经由长久的历史文化摩擦融合而形成的共同点,从而找到国人心理上与之共鸣的契合点,总结出如何结合我国实际情况来借鉴西方景观设计的方法及理论,使之更好的融入我国居住景观中,以期为我国现代居住小区西方园林景设计的理论与模式提供一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:Landscape architecture is the product of human material civilization and an important part of cultural composition. It is closely related to people's life and, to some extent, is the embodiment of the national view of nature and the view of residence. With the development of economy and culture, the landscape environment of residential area is paid more and more attention by real estate developers and residents. Although China has a long history of garden development and the classical garden design is well known in the world, with the development of material civilization, the progress of society, the blending of culture and the diversification of artistic forms, A single form of landscape art can not meet the needs of diversified urban life, so landscape design is gradually developing towards diversification, which also urges people to enter a new period for the study of modern landscape design theory. However, under the background of globalization, how to use foreign landscape culture and create suitable cultural landscape of residential area in our country is also a problem to be considered by contemporary designers. Based on the results of previous studies and examples, this paper makes a deep analysis of the characteristics and application methods of the western garden layout techniques, node building and garden monomer elements in the residential areas of our country at present. Through the analysis of the characteristics of the western garden elements, this paper explores the humanistic connotation of the two garden systems, and finds out the common ground of the two garden systems formed by the long history and cultural friction. In order to find the psychological resonance of Chinese people, summed up how to combine the actual situation of our country to learn from the western landscape design methods and theories, so that it better integrate into our residential landscape, In order to provide some reference value for the western landscape design theory and mode of modern residential district in our country.


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