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发布时间:2018-10-30 15:46
【摘要】:随着我国社会经济的发展及政府职能的不断扩大,我国公务人员职务犯罪的犯罪模式又有了新的变化,目前我国职务犯罪呈现出犯罪行为更加隐蔽、犯罪形态更加多样、犯罪构成更加复杂的特点。在一些与社会经济发展密切相关的经济活动,例如工程开发、房地产建设、税收征收等经济、社会管理中渎职犯罪、贿赂犯罪等职务犯罪现象时有发生,尤其是在司法裁判中,司法机关工作人员收受贿赂徇私枉法的案件更是突出。根据不完全统计,2012年全国法院共审理渎职犯罪案件4611件,较2011年案件数量同比上升2.7%。 在实践中,当前检察机关在办理渎职侵权类案件中关于定罪量刑的标准并不明确,在法律适用中也存在一些争议问题。渎职犯罪规定只有达到情节严重或者造成重大损失时,相应行为才构成渎职犯罪;只有犯罪情节达到特别严重或者造成特别重大损失时,才可以对行为人处以更加严厉的刑罚。刑法规定的情节严重、情节特别严重、重大损失、特别重大损失等情形,除个别罪名之外,绝大多数罪名还没有通过司法解释给予明确具有可操作性的标准。此外,渎职类犯罪是十分特殊的一类犯罪,,在实际中认定和处理上拥有不同于其他刑事犯罪的特性,存在较为复杂的不同看法。目前受我国职务犯罪侦查机关和侦查手段的限制,长期以来渎职侵权案件往往被检察机关的反贪部门认定为受贿罪。同时受我国刑事立法水平的影响,我国与其他大陆法系国家不同,没有对罪数问题做具体规定,这样司法机关在查处这类案件的过程中缺乏明确统一的指导,这样不可避免的出现了罪数的争议。2012年12月,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院颁布了《关于办理渎职刑事案件适用法律若干问题的解释(一)》,该解释中十分明确的规定了渎职类犯罪与受贿罪发生竞合时采取数罪并罚的处断原则,但是由于相应的罪数理论仅仅是刑法中对犯罪的一个简单的理论,所以我们实践中十分迫切在这个问题上给出更加具体、明确的界定。 本文从三个案例出发,对受贿罪与渎职罪发生竞合的原因、受贿罪与渎职罪发生竞合时的处理模式和受贿罪与徇私枉法型渎职罪发生竞合时的特殊处罚方式进行了探讨,并提出了下一步的立法建议。
[Abstract]:With the development of our country's social economy and the continuous expansion of government functions, the crime pattern of official duty crime in our country has changed again. At present, the crime behavior of duty crime in our country is more concealed and the crime form is more diverse. Crime constitutes a more complex feature. In some economic activities closely related to social and economic development, such as engineering development, real estate construction, tax collection, malfeasance in social management, bribery and other job-related crimes occur from time to time, especially in the administration of justice. The case of judicial staff accepting bribes for favoritism and perverting the law is even more prominent. According to incomplete statistics, a total of 4611 cases of malfeasance were heard by courts across the country in 2012, up 2.7 percent from a year earlier in 2011. In practice, the current procuratorial organ in handling malfeasance infringement cases about the standard of conviction and sentencing is not clear, there are also some controversial issues in the application of the law. The crime of dereliction of duty shall constitute a crime of dereliction of duty only if the circumstances of dereliction of duty are serious or cause serious loss; only when the circumstances of the crime reach especially serious or cause especially heavy loss can the perpetrator be punished with a more severe penalty. The circumstances stipulated in the criminal law are serious, especially serious, heavy loss, and so on. Except for individual charges, most of the charges have not been given clear and operable standards through judicial interpretation. In addition, the crime of dereliction of duty is a very special kind of crime. In practice, it has different characteristics from other criminal offences and has different views. At present, limited by the investigation organs and investigative techniques of duty crime in our country, for a long time malfeasance infringement cases are often recognized as bribery crime by the anti-corruption department of the procuratorial organ. At the same time, under the influence of the level of criminal legislation in our country, unlike other civil law countries, our country has not made specific provisions on the number of crimes, so the judicial organs lack clear and unified guidance in the process of investigating and dealing with such cases. In December 2012, the Supreme people's Court and the Supreme people's Procuratorate promulgated the interpretation of several issues concerning the Law applicable to handling Criminal cases of malfeasance (1). The interpretation clearly stipulates the principle of combining punishment for several crimes when the crimes of dereliction of duty are competing with the crime of accepting bribes, but since the corresponding theory of the number of crimes is only a simple theory of crime in the criminal law, Therefore, we are very urgent in the practice of this issue to give a more specific, clear definition. Starting from three cases, this paper probes into the reasons for the concurrence of bribery crime and malfeasance crime, the handling mode of bribery crime and malfeasance crime, and the special punishment method when bribery crime and malfeasance crime of favoritism are competing. And put forward the next step of the legislative proposals.


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