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发布时间:2018-11-01 14:00
[Abstract]:With the development of free enterprise economy, construction enterprises have to face the cruel competition between enterprises. The integration of the world economy not only provides the unprecedented development opportunity for the construction industry of our country, but also brings the difficult problem that our country cannot avoid. The main body of investment is increasingly diversified, the scale of investment is rising, and the types of projects are becoming more and more diverse. Whether the enterprise can provide the society with high quality, short construction period, low cost of building products and guarantee the quality of the project is the key. With the development of science and technology and the progress of the society, the construction enterprises in our country are growing like bamboo shoots, and the large-scale development and construction is accompanied by the severe test of the engineering quality. The project quality guarantee is derived from the defects of the project quality. For the construction unit, the project quality guarantee is the umbrella of the engineering quality, and for the construction unit, Project quality warranty is a commitment to project quality maintenance. The dispute caused by the project quality guarantee directly infringes the economic interests of the project owner and causes serious infringement on the right holder. The law obliges the construction agency to guarantee the contracted project, but because the construction agency does not take such regulations seriously, the delay in repair usually leaves the project unable to be repaired quickly. This will bring serious economic impact to the engineering stakeholders, even if compensated by litigation, it will also waste a lot of energy and time. More and more quality problems have been exposed behind the construction industry and real estate industry, which have already entered the saturation state one after another. In order to prevent risks, it is urgent to establish and perfect the contract management system of construction projects. Among them, the construction project contract should be confronted with the problem of the construction enterprise's guarantee of repair responsibility during the effective stage of the construction project contract, and the construction organization often adopts the method of deducting part of the project settlement funds in accordance with the provisions of the quality guarantee fee. In the construction contract of construction project, the construction enterprise often asks for the return of the quality guarantee after the warranty period. But now has ushered in a small profit era, the construction industry moving slowly, the retention of construction project quality guarantee may become the construction unit to build all the profits. However, there are still many problems in the legal application of the construction project quality guarantee gold system. The content of the legal regulation of the construction project quality guarantee gold is not comprehensive, the legislative rank is not high, and the corresponding legal responsibility and relief methods are not clear. The maintenance and maintenance of engineering quality is the duty of the party responsible for the defects. Who should be the custodian of the quality guarantee of the construction project, whether the construction unit goes bankrupt or not, the quality guarantee of the construction project can not be returned. The legal regulation of construction quality guarantee gold system may become a very effective way to alleviate the disputes between construction units and construction units. Therefore, it is of great significance for the management and development of the relevant stakeholders in the legal relationship of construction to pay full attention to and deeply study the legal regulation of quality guarantee gold of construction projects in our country.


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