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发布时间:2018-11-04 16:23
【摘要】:近些年房地产企业面临的外部宏观环境日益严峻,如何有效打造企业核心竞争力,全面提高企业业绩,以实现市场突围,成为了房地产企业面临的重大课题。湘银房地产股份有限公司自1998年成立以来,一直都在不断发展和壮大,,目前企业正处在高速发展时期,公司项目和员工人数都达到了较大的规模。和其他房地产企业一样,湘银房地产股份有限公司原先的发展主要注重项目,而忽略了人力资源板块的重要性,随着公司规模的扩大,企业运营困难、工程项目管理不到位、员工缺乏工作积极性等不少问题逐渐显漏出来,原来的绩效考核体系已经不再适合公司的进一步发展了。立足公司现状和长期发展战略,建立一套适合公司发展的员工绩效考核体系迫在眉睫。 文章第一章交代论文研究的背景、目的、意义以及研究方法、国内外研究水平等;第二章主要梳理了绩效考核的相关理论研究成果;第三章基于对湘银房地产股份有限公司人力资源状况的分析,指出公司绩效考核存在的问题,得出公司要进行绩效考核体系优化的必要性;第四章是对公司的绩效考核体系进行全方位的优化设计;第五章主要是对优化设计后的绩效考核体系进行简要评价,说明绩效考核体系的优化效果;论文的最后部分是结论与展望,简要总结论文的研究过程和成果,并指出研究存在的不足和相关的后续研究方向等。 在研究过程中,笔者充分分析各种考核方法与公司的匹配程度,最终提出了以360度绩效考核方法为基础的,实行一岗一表的绩效考核体系优化方案。经过合理优化设计,当前的绩效考核体系在实施过程中反响良好,初步表明这是一套科学合理的,符合公司主导需求的绩效考核方案。 总的来说,绩效考核体系是一项复杂的系统工程,我国的企业在这一板块都还处于不断探索的阶段。文章对湘银房地产股份有限公司绩效考核体系的优化研究,在一定程度上丰富了绩效考核理论研究,同时也为相关企业的绩效体系改革提供了有效借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the external macro environment faced by real estate enterprises is becoming increasingly severe. How to effectively build the core competitiveness of enterprises, improve the performance of enterprises in an all-round way, in order to achieve market breakthrough, has become a major issue facing real estate enterprises. Since its establishment in 1998, Xiangyin Real Estate Co., Ltd. has been developing and expanding continuously. At present, the enterprise is in a period of rapid development, the company project and the number of employees have reached a large scale. Like other real estate enterprises, the development of Xiangyin Real Estate Co., Ltd. focused mainly on projects, but neglected the importance of the human resources sector. With the expansion of the size of the company, the operation of the enterprises was difficult, and the project management was not in place. Many problems, such as staff lack of enthusiasm, gradually leak out, the original performance appraisal system is no longer suitable for the further development of the company. Based on the company's current situation and long-term development strategy, it is urgent to establish a set of employee performance appraisal system suitable for the development of the company. The first chapter describes the background, purpose, significance and research methods of the paper, and the level of research at home and abroad. The third chapter is based on the analysis of the human resource situation of Xiangyin Real Estate Co., Ltd., points out the problems in the performance appraisal, and concludes the necessity of optimizing the performance appraisal system. The fourth chapter is to carry on the omni-directional optimization design to the company's performance appraisal system, the fifth chapter is mainly carries on the brief appraisal to the optimized design performance appraisal system, explains the performance appraisal system optimization effect; The last part of the paper is the conclusion and prospect, briefly summarizes the research process and results of the paper, and points out the shortcomings of the research and related future research directions. In the course of the research, the author fully analyzes the matching degree between various appraisal methods and the company, and finally puts forward an optimization scheme of performance appraisal system based on 360 degree performance appraisal method. After reasonable optimization design, the current performance appraisal system has a good response in the implementation process, which shows that it is a set of scientific and reasonable performance appraisal scheme in line with the company's leading demand. In general, the performance appraisal system is a complex system engineering, Chinese enterprises in this sector are still in the stage of continuous exploration. This paper studies the optimization of the performance appraisal system of Xiangyin Real Estate Co., Ltd. to a certain extent, enriches the theoretical research of performance appraisal, and also provides an effective reference for the reform of the performance system of related enterprises.


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