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发布时间:2018-11-04 16:26
【摘要】:随着我国经济体制改革,房地产行业发展迅猛,已经成为我国国民经济的重要支柱。同时,在竞争日益激烈的环境下,我国的房地产行业迎来了越来越多的考验。如今的房地产业中还存在很多不完善的地方,尤其是当前市场上有些房地产企业或房地产投资者忽视项目经济评价工作,项目不进行市场调研,或不做可行性研究经济评价,为“可行”而研究,失去了项目经济评价的真实意义。房地产项目经济评价研究是房地产开发决策分析过程中的重要步骤,它是房地产开发项目投资决策的重要依据。正确的投资决策对房地产企业来说至关重要,因此,越来越多的房地产企业开始重视项目前期的评价工作。通过对开发项目的全面分析、论证、各方案比较和评价,从而保证它在技术上可行、环境上允许、经济上合理、经济效益显著。因此重视房地产开发项目的经济评价工作,可以减少投资决策的盲目性,提高房地产企业的经济效益和促进城市土地的合理使用,使房地产市场健康发展和不断完善。 文章从宏运碧水家园商住小区项目的实际情况出发,,将有关项目经济评价的相关知识运用到该项目的研究工作中。首先就房地产投资项目经济评价分析的基础理论和房地产投资项目经济评价的基本内容进行阐述,紧接着应用房地产经济评价的理论知识再结合阜新市房地产市场的发展现状和整体趋势,对宏运碧水家园商住小区投资项目进行实例研究。详细阐述了当前阜新市房地产市场的状况,并收集了大量资料,对阜新市的房地产市场进行了预测及分析。并对该项目做出了市场预测、投资估算、资金筹措、财务分析、评价以及敏感性分析以及项目盈亏分析等经济评价分析的内容,从而判断该项目开发的可行性。最后在对宏运碧水家园投资项目认可的同时,也提出了完善房地产投资项目经济评价分析的建议和展望。
[Abstract]:With the reform of China's economic system, the real estate industry has developed rapidly and has become an important pillar of our national economy. At the same time, in the increasingly competitive environment, China's real estate industry ushered in more and more tests. There are still many imperfections in today's real estate industry, especially in the current market where some real estate enterprises or real estate investors ignore the work of economic evaluation of projects, and projects do not carry out market research or do economic evaluation of feasibility studies. For the sake of "feasible", the research lost the true meaning of the economic evaluation of the project. The study on economic evaluation of real estate projects is an important step in the process of real estate development decision analysis, and it is an important basis for investment decisions of real estate development projects. The correct investment decision is very important to the real estate enterprises, so more and more real estate enterprises begin to attach importance to the pre-project evaluation. Through the comprehensive analysis, demonstration, comparison and evaluation of the development project, it is ensured that it is technically feasible, environmental permitting, reasonable in economy and remarkable in economic benefit. Therefore, attaching importance to the economic evaluation of real estate development projects can reduce the blindness of investment decisions, improve the economic benefits of real estate enterprises and promote the rational use of urban land, and make the real estate market develop healthily and improve continuously. Starting from the actual situation of Hongyun Bishui Home Commercial and Residential area Project, this paper applies the relevant knowledge of project economic evaluation to the research work of this project. First of all, the basic theory of economic evaluation of real estate investment projects and the basic content of economic evaluation of real estate investment projects are expounded. Then applying the theory knowledge of real estate economic evaluation and combining the development status and the overall trend of real estate market in Fuxin, this paper makes a case study on the investment project of Hongyun Bishui home commercial and residential district. This paper expounds the current situation of the real estate market in Fuxin City, collects a lot of data, and forecasts and analyzes the real estate market in Fuxin City. The economic evaluation analysis of the project, such as market forecast, investment estimation, fund raising, financial analysis, evaluation, sensitivity analysis and profit and loss analysis, is made to judge the feasibility of the project development. Finally, the paper gives the suggestion and prospect to perfect the economic evaluation and analysis of real estate investment project while approving the investment project of Hongyun and Blue Water Home.


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