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发布时间:2018-11-05 11:50
【摘要】:城市轨道交通是具有运量大、效率高、安全性好、节约能源、无废气污染等优点的城市公共交通方式,在促进城市土地集约化利用、引导优化城市发展布局、解决城市交通拥挤与环境污染、提高沿线土地价值、推进城市化进程以及促进城市可持续发展等方面,都起到至关重要的作用。然而,我国轨道交通的发展普遍面临着建设资金短缺、营运收支难以平衡等难题。此外,轨道交通对周边土地带来了明显的增值效益,也是促进沿线房地产价格增长的重要因素,但是由于缺乏相应的效益返还模式,轨道交通带来的增值效益大部分被土地及房地产投资者无偿占有,并没有为轨道交通的可持续发展做出贡献。因此,定量分析轨道交通对周边土地价值的影响,建立科学有效的轨道交通效益返还模式,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 论文在总结国内外相关领域研究成果的基础上,,重点分析城市轨道交通的特征和土地价值的影响因素,以及发展轨道交通对土地价值产生的影响;研究城市轨道交通对周边土地价值影响进行定量分析的计量经济学模型,并采用特征价格模型作为轨道交通对土地价值影响定量分析的具体方法,进而以重庆轨道交通3号线对周边房地产价格的影响为例进行实证分析;提出建立城市轨道交通效益返还模式的具体方式——征收城市轨道交通增值税和城市轨道交通与周边土地联合开发,并建立城市轨道交通增值税的计税模型和城市轨道交通与周边土地联合开发的土地面积模型,提出实施效益返还模式的措施与建议。 论文的研究成果可以满足我国目前城市轨道交通大规模建设的需求,是轨道交通与土地价值关系研究的进一步拓展,也是建立效益返还模式的基础,对轨道交通的可持续发展具有一定的价值。
[Abstract]:Urban rail transit is a kind of urban public transportation which has the advantages of large capacity, high efficiency, good safety, energy saving and no waste gas pollution. It can promote the intensive utilization of urban land and guide the optimization of urban development layout. Solving urban traffic congestion and environmental pollution, improving the value of land along the road, promoting the process of urbanization and promoting urban sustainable development play an important role. However, the development of rail transit in China is faced with problems such as shortage of construction funds and difficulty in balancing operating income and expenditure. In addition, rail transit has brought obvious value-added benefits to the surrounding land, which is also an important factor in promoting the growth of real estate prices along the line. However, due to the lack of a corresponding benefit return model, The value-added benefits brought by rail transit are mostly occupied by land and real estate investors without contribution to the sustainable development of rail transit. Therefore, the quantitative analysis of the impact of rail transit on the value of surrounding land and the establishment of a scientific and effective mode of return of rail transit benefits are of great theoretical significance and practical value. On the basis of summarizing the research results of related fields at home and abroad, this paper mainly analyzes the characteristics of urban rail transit and the influencing factors of land value, as well as the impact of the development of rail transit on the land value. This paper studies the econometric model of quantitative analysis of the impact of urban rail transit on the value of surrounding land, and adopts the characteristic price model as the specific method of quantitative analysis of the impact of rail transit on land value. Then take Chongqing rail transit line 3 to the surrounding real estate price as an example to carry on the empirical analysis; This paper puts forward the concrete way of establishing the return mode of urban rail transit benefit-levying value-added tax of urban rail transit and joint development of urban rail transit and surrounding land, The tax model of value-added tax for urban rail transit and the land area model for the joint development of urban rail transit and surrounding land are established, and the measures and suggestions for implementing the model of return of benefits are put forward. The research results of this paper can meet the needs of mass construction of urban rail transit in China at present, which is the further development of the research on the relationship between rail transit and land value, and the foundation of establishing the model of return of benefits. It has certain value to the sustainable development of rail transit.


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