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发布时间:2018-11-08 12:28
【摘要】:我国房地产市场的发展,对我国经济增长起着主力的作用,庞大的一手房(新建商品房)交易二级市场促使商品房交易模式在实践中不断规范,二手房交易三级市场房屋交易模式,在我国现代房地产市场中也在不断完善,扮演的角色日益突显。交易与人类生活息息相关,房屋交易在人类生活中起着重要支撑点,但它有别于普通商品的交易,主要体现在房屋交易价值大,交易内容复杂等,这就决定了一旦发生房屋交易欺诈行为,在处理这类纠纷时在适用法律上是比较复杂的。在一手房交易二级市场,我国有相关法律对其进行规制,而二手房交易三级市场却没有比较完善专门的法律进行规制,适用一手房交易二级市场的法律法规几乎不适用于二手房交易三级市场。因此,如何有效预防,规制二手房交易中的欺诈行为,能够使购房者的合法利益得到有效保护,维护正常的交易秩序和交易安全,减少交易的风险性,同时促进整个房地产交易市场的良性发展,有着重要的理论和实践意义。 本文共分为五个部分: 首先为绪论,通过一些典型案例提出问题,说明研究本课题的目的是维护当事人的合法利益,研究意义是通过制裁和遏制二手房交易中欺诈行为,充分体现法律规范的教育功能,营造诚信的社会环境。 第一章是二手房交易及交易中欺诈行为概述。本章节主要从二手房交易概念及欺诈行为的定义入手,在比较一手房交易与二手房交易,阐述欺诈行为的构成要件后,把二手房交易中的欺诈行为定义为:旧房物权人或房地产中介机构在房屋交易过程中欺骗购房者,使其陷于对房屋情况的错误认识,向旧房物权人或房地产中介机构作出购买的意思表示。接着分析这种欺诈行为的社会危害性及在具体交易过程中常见的类型:一是指旧房产权人的欺诈行为常见的类型;二是指房地产中介机构的欺诈行为的常见的类型。 第二章是我国二手房交易中欺诈行为法律规定及制度缺陷。随着我国社会经济的跃式增长,房地产市场也在飞速发展,人们对良好的社会秩序和高质量社会生活的追求,几乎离不开法律规范的调整。本章以介绍国外一些国家关于不动产交易的制度及具体实践,以期为我国在二手房交易方面的相关制度有所借鉴;从《民法通则》、《合同法》、《房屋登记办法》、《房地产登记技术规程》中关于交易行为与房屋交易登记的相关规定。反观日益发展的二手房交易三级市场,却没有比较完善的专门法律法规对这类交易行为进行规制,一旦发生欺诈行为难以保障受害者的合法权益,造成法律适用的空缺,体现出法律的滞后性及制度的不完善性。 第三章是本论文的主体部分。首先,建议完善我国二手房交易法律,由确定交易的目的和基本原则,规定交易主体的权利义务及实施欺诈行为的法律责任的承担。其次,从房地产主管部门的监管,《合同法》与《物权法》三个方面,强化我国二手房交易中的保护机制,,加强对于两大类欺诈行为的防范,有针对性地提出具体的防范措施。通过完善专门性法律,维护了交易三级市场的安全性,一旦侵害购房者的欺诈行为,可以直接适用这些规范,同时也是法制与法治的内涵的具体体现。 最后是本文的结束语,通过对本文写作结构的简单总结,籍希望对我国处于初始阶段的二手房三级交易市场在理论上与实践中能够进一步进行探讨。
[Abstract]:The development of the real estate market in China has played a main role in the economic growth of our country. The second-level market of the large one-hand house (newly-built commercial house) has led the transaction model of the commercial house to be standardized in practice, and the second-hand house transaction three-tier market house transaction mode. In the modern real estate market of our country, the role of the play is becoming more and more prominent. The transaction is closely related to the human life, and the house transaction plays an important supporting point in the human life, but it is different from the transaction of the ordinary commodity, which is mainly reflected in the large value of the house transaction, the complexity of the transaction, and the like, It is more complex to deal with this type of dispute in the applicable law. In the second-order market of the first-hand room, there are relevant laws to regulate the second-hand house transaction, while the second-hand house transaction three-tier market is not perfect, and the laws and regulations governing the secondary market of the first-hand room are hardly applicable to the second-hand house transaction three-level market. Therefore, how to effectively prevent and regulate the fraudulent conduct in the second-hand house transaction can effectively protect the legitimate interests of the home buyers, maintain the normal trading order and the transaction safety, reduce the risk of the transaction, and simultaneously promote the benign development of the whole real estate market, It has important theoretical and practical significance. This paper is divided into five parts: Part: The first is the introduction, through some typical cases, the purpose of the study is to protect the legitimate interests of the parties, and the research significance is to fully reflect the legal norms through the sanction and the containment of the fraudulent conduct in the second-hand house transaction. The function of education and the building of good faith The first chapter is the second-hand house transaction and the intersection This section mainly starts with the definition of the second-hand house transaction and the definition of the fraud, and then deals with the transaction of the first-hand house and the second-hand house, and expounds the constituent elements of the fraud, and then deals with the second-hand house transaction. The definition of the fraud is as follows: the old house real right person or the real estate agency, in the course of the house transaction, deceives the home buyers, so that it is caught in the wrong understanding of the house situation, and the real right person or the real estate agency of the old house Then analyze the social harmfulness of this kind of fraud and the common types in the specific course of dealing: one is the type of fraud of the property right person of the old house, and the second is the fraud of the real estate agency The second chapter is the fraud of the second-hand house transaction in our country With the rapid development of the social economy of our country, the real estate market is in the rapid development, and people's pursuit of good social order and high-quality social life The purpose of this chapter is to introduce some foreign countries about the system and practice of the real estate transaction, with a view to drawing on the relevant system of the second-hand house transaction for our country; from the General Principles of the People's Republic of China, the contract Law>, the Measures for Registration of the House of the Property, and the Technical Regulations on the Registration of Real Estate The relevant regulations of the registration of the house transaction. The second-hand house transaction with the increasing development of the reverse view is the third-order market, but there is no more perfect special laws and regulations to regulate the transaction, and the legal right of the victim can not be guaranteed in the event of the occurrence of the fraud The vacancy that causes the application of the law, which is reflected in the law. The lag and the imperfection of the system. The third chapter is the main part of this thesis. First, it is suggested to improve the law of the second-hand house transaction in our country, and define the purpose and basic principle of the transaction, and specify the rights and obligations of the transaction subject. Second, to strengthen the protection mechanism of the second-hand house transaction from the supervision of the real estate authority, the contract law and the property right law, and to strengthen the prevention of the two kinds of fraud. In order to protect the security of the third-level market of the transaction, the security of the third-level market of the transaction can be maintained by improving the special law, and the standards can be applied directly once the fraudulent behavior of the home-buyers is infringed, and at the same time, It is the concrete expression of the connotation of the rule of law and the rule of law.


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