[Abstract]:Y Group is a private company that integrates real estate development, international trade, international logistics and food processing business, with a total asset scale of 3 billion. Since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008, with the changes in the domestic and foreign markets, The development of Y Group is faced with the choice of "what way" and "how". In view of this, what kind of development path to choose and what kind of safeguard measures can be taken to promote the better and faster development of the enterprise will become an important decision problem facing Y Group at the present stage. The research content of this paper is divided into six parts: the first part is the introduction, which introduces the background, purpose and significance of the research, the second part is the related theoretical basis, including strategic management theory, human resources management theory, and goal management theory, etc. The third part is the development of Y Group Company and the internal and external environment analysis; the fourth part is the domestic and foreign similar enterprise development typical case study; the fifth part is the Y group company development strategy choice and the microscopic mechanism construction; The sixth part is the conclusion and prospect of the research. The empirical results show that the problems facing the development of Y Group are mainly manifested in the organizational structure and operation system, human resource management, performance appraisal system, corporate culture construction and so on. The results of the case study on the successful transformation of similar enterprises at home and abroad show that diversified enterprises starting from trade should at any time formulate corresponding development strategies and implementation mechanisms to adjust the industrial structure in a timely manner in light of the development situation at home and abroad. Try to establish the vertical and horizontal connection network among the industries in the enterprise, and realize the innovation and development in the original field and the new industry. In the new historical period, Y Group should choose the development strategy of "the diversification internationalization information socialization", and from the company organization operation, the talent training, the performance appraisal, the cultural reconstruction, the risk aversion, In order to ensure the effective implementation of the new development strategy of the company, the corresponding implementation mechanism should be set up in the aspects of supervision and security.
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