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发布时间:2018-11-09 15:19
【摘要】:土地是城市发展和建设的根本前提,而地价则是城市的语言,是一项重要的经济指标。伴随着城市化的迅猛推进,产生了巨大的土地需求,地价也渐渐水涨船高,引起了社会各界的广泛关注,百姓的安居乐业离不开固定的住所。故研究住宅地价的形成规律和影响因素,有利于国家制定合理的宏观调控政策,稳定房地产市场,使经济稳健发展。十八大指出的中国特色社会主义的总体布局,不仅包括经济建设、文化建设、政治建设和社会建设,还将生态建设纳入其中,城市绿地建设是生态建设的重要方面。因此,研究城市绿地建设与住宅地价之间的关系具有重要的理论和现实意义。 本文在大量阅读国内外相关文献的基础上,结合我国城市住宅土地市场以及绿地建设情况,探索性的提出了城市绿地建设对住宅地价的溢出效应,深入分析了城市绿地建设对住宅地价溢出效应的作用机理,可以为城市管理者提供城市建设决策依据。 本文首先从宏观角度分析了我国城市住宅地价和绿地建设情况的总体水平,并运用聚类分析的方法,依据绿地建设评价指标将城市分为城市绿地建设优等区和差等区,并分别研究了城市绿地建设和住宅地价的相关性,研究表明,在优等区和差等区城市中,城市绿地建设和住宅地价的联系均较为紧密。 其次,分析了城市绿地具有的主要功能,包括生态功能、游憩功能、景观功能等,运用外部性理论、地租理论等相关理论,从供需角度、人的层次需要以及城市绿地的准公共物品属性角度探讨了城市绿地建设对住宅地价的溢出效应的作用机理。 再次,基于消费者效用理论,建立了城市绿地建设对住宅地价溢出效应的理论模型,并以城市的角度进行经验验证,结果表明:不同类型的城市绿地建设特征变量对住宅地价溢出效应不同,溢价值由高到低依次为:建成区绿化覆盖率、园林绿化建设投资额、建成区绿地率、城市森林工程造林面积、建成区环境空气质量优良天数比、人均公共绿地面积。 最后论文以徐州市为例,从微观角度,引入特征价格模型,把城市绿地建设作为土地价值的特征变量之一,在对徐州市住宅土地市场和城市绿地建设分析的基础上,,通过构建住宅用地特征价格模型,实证研究了城市绿地建设对住宅地价的溢出效应。研究表明,在宗地角度,城市绿地建设对住宅地价具有显著的影响,城市绿地建设的差异在一定程度上导致了城市住宅地价的差异。
[Abstract]:Land is the basic premise of urban development and construction, and land price is the language of city, which is an important economic index. With the rapid development of urbanization, there is a huge demand for land, land prices are gradually rising, causing widespread concern from all walks of life, people living and working in peace and contentment can not be separated from the fixed residence. Therefore, to study the formation law and influencing factors of residential land price is helpful for the country to formulate reasonable macro-control policies, stabilize the real estate market and make the economy develop steadily. The overall layout of socialism with Chinese characteristics pointed out by the 18th National Congress of China not only includes economic construction, cultural construction, political construction and social construction, but also includes ecological construction. Urban green space construction is an important aspect of ecological construction. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the relationship between urban green land construction and residential land price. Based on a large number of domestic and foreign literature, combined with the urban residential land market and green land construction situation, this paper explores the spillover effect of urban green land construction on housing land price. The mechanism of the spillover effect of urban green land construction on residential land price is analyzed in depth, which can provide the decision basis for urban construction. This paper first analyzes the overall level of urban residential land price and green land construction in China from a macro perspective, and uses cluster analysis method to divide the city into excellent and poor green land construction areas according to the evaluation index of green land construction. The correlation between urban green land construction and residential land price is studied respectively. The results show that the relationship between urban green space construction and residential land price is close in superior and poor areas. Secondly, it analyzes the main functions of urban green space, including ecological function, recreation function, landscape function and so on. The mechanism of spillover effect of urban green land construction on residential land price is discussed from the perspective of human needs and quasi-public goods attribute of urban green space. Thirdly, based on the theory of consumer utility, the theoretical model of spillover effect of urban green land construction on residential land price is established, and the empirical verification is carried out from the perspective of city. The results show that different types of urban green land construction characteristic variables have different spillover effects on residential land price, and the overflow value from high to low is as follows: green coverage rate, investment in landscape construction, green space rate in completed areas. The afforestation area of urban forest project, the air quality of the built area is better than that of the urban forest project, and the per capita public green space area. Finally, this paper takes Xuzhou as an example, introduces the characteristic price model from the microscopic angle, takes the urban green space construction as one of the characteristic variables of the land value, and analyzes the residential land market and the urban green land construction in Xuzhou. Based on the characteristic price model of residential land, the spillover effect of urban green land construction on residential land price is studied empirically. The study shows that the urban green land construction has a significant influence on the residential land price from the perspective of land ownership, and the difference of urban green land construction leads to the difference of urban housing land price to a certain extent.


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