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发布时间:2018-11-15 12:25
【摘要】:工程项目成本价值分析主要是对工程项目在其全寿命周期内的成本和价值,运用价值工程理论方法对工程项目的成本和价值进行对比分析,并且得出最优建设方案的分析方法。这种分析方法与价值工程的分析方法相比较有着变功能分析为成本价值分析,不仅能够提高项目的功能,并且能更加有效的控制工程项目成本的优点。但因为工程项目成本价值分析涉及工程项目的全寿命周期,所以其分析的过程及方法相对比较复杂,只要对工程项目成本与价值构成的各个要素进行详细认真的分析,并将其进行量化后,使得工程项目成本和价值有可比性就可以得出相应的结论,从而找到最优的方案。 本文主要是立足于工程项目自身的角度,从全寿命周期理论的观点出发,首先通过对全寿命周期理论、工程项目成本和工程项目价值的研究现状进行研究综述,并且综合论述全寿命周期理论、工程项目成本、工程项目价值等相关概念,为下文对工程项目全寿命周期成本构成分析、价值分析及成本价值对比分析奠定理论基础。 然后对工程项目在其全寿命周期各个阶段的成本构成进行详细的分析,同时也对工程项目在其全寿命周期的价值进行分析,从而对工程项目成本与价值进行对比分析。运用价值工程(V=F/C)理论,求出价值与成本的关系(K=V/C),并且运用到实际工程项目中去,同时对工程项目在成本与价值的对比与分析上提供了参考。 最后通过对一个具体的房地产开发项目在其全寿命周期内的成本和价值进行对比分析,,具体阐释价值工程理论的方法和步骤,分析得出的结论能够有效的控制工程项目成本,可以适当地运用到实际工程项目中去。
[Abstract]:The cost value analysis of engineering project is mainly about the cost and value of engineering project in its whole life cycle. The cost and value of engineering project are analyzed by using the theory of value engineering, and the analysis method of optimal construction scheme is obtained. Compared with the analysis method of value engineering, this analysis method has the advantages of changing function analysis into cost value analysis, which can not only improve the function of the project, but also control the cost of the project more effectively. However, because the cost value analysis of engineering project involves the whole life cycle of the project, the process and method of the analysis are relatively complex, so long as each element of the cost and value composition of the project is analyzed in detail and conscientiously, After quantifying it, the cost and value of the project can be compared and the corresponding conclusions can be drawn, and the optimal scheme can be found. This paper is based on the point of view of the project itself, from the point of view of the life-cycle theory, through the research of the life-cycle theory, the project cost and the value of the project. The related concepts such as life-cycle theory, project cost, project value and so on are discussed comprehensively, which lays a theoretical foundation for the following analysis of the whole life cycle cost of engineering project, value analysis and cost value contrast analysis. Then the cost composition of engineering project in each stage of its life cycle is analyzed in detail, and the value of engineering project in its whole life cycle is also analyzed, so that the cost and value of engineering project are compared and analyzed. By using the theory of value engineering (V=F/C), the relationship between value and cost (K=V/C) is obtained and applied to practical engineering projects. At the same time, it provides a reference for the comparison and analysis of cost and value of engineering projects. Finally, through the comparative analysis of the cost and value of a specific real estate development project in its whole life cycle, the paper explains the methods and steps of the value engineering theory, and the conclusion can effectively control the project cost. It can be properly applied to actual engineering projects.


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