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发布时间:2018-11-17 21:10
【摘要】:当前经济发展迅速,技术变革的加快使得越来越多的人意识到要保持企业持续的竞争优势,人力资源才是企业发展的不竭动力,帮助组织及个人获得竞争优势。而心理资本是建立在人力资本和社会资本之上的企业创新的原动力,投资开发心理资本能帮助企业员工提高对工作的满意度和和员工绩效。目前,关于心理资本的研究大都集中在国外,心理资本和工作满意度及员工绩效之间关系的研究就更加少之又少,尤其是将销售人员作为研究对象暂时还没有。本文将从心理资本的理论研究出发,通过问卷调查和实证分析的方法,了解销售人员心理资本的现状,进一步深入地探讨心理资本和工作满意度、工作绩效三者之间的关系,为组织管理者提供新的视角来管理和开发员工,为传统的人力资源管理研究增添一个新的角度。 本次研究选取了北京、山东、河南、上海等地为抽样地点,以各个行业的销售人员作为研究对象,以经过信效度检验的Luthans等人编制的心理资本问卷(PCQ-24)、明尼苏达满意度短式问卷(MSQ)及西北大学孙方远修订房地产销售人员工作绩效问卷为研究工具,对所获取的调查数据进行分析,通过描述性统计、方差分析、相关性分析、回归分析等方法,确定企业销售人员心理资本与工作满意度和工作绩效间的关系。 实证研究的结果表明,销售人员普遍具有较高的心理资本,各维度的得分均在中等水平以上。销售人员心理资本及其各维度,包括自我效能、希望、韧性(回复力)、乐观对工作绩效及其各个维度,包括任务绩效、关联绩效有正向的显著影响;销售人员心理资本及其各维度对员工工作满意度及各个维度,包括管理风格、工作本身、发展空间、工作报酬、工作条件及人际关系有正向的显著影响作用;销售人员员工工作满意度及各个维度对工作绩效及其各个维度有部分影响;在心理资本对工作绩效的影响中,工作满意度起部分中介作用,,即在工作满意度的中介作用下,心理资本对工作绩效的显著影响加强。
[Abstract]:At present, with the rapid development of economy and the acceleration of technological change, more and more people realize that human resources are the inexhaustible driving force for the development of enterprises and help organizations and individuals to obtain competitive advantages to maintain the sustainable competitive advantage of enterprises. Psychological capital is the motive force of enterprise innovation based on human capital and social capital. Investment and development of psychological capital can help employees to improve their job satisfaction and employee performance. At present, the research on psychological capital is mostly concentrated in foreign countries, and the research on the relationship between psychological capital and job satisfaction and employee performance is even less. Starting from the theoretical study of psychological capital, this paper will understand the present situation of psychological capital of sales personnel through questionnaire and empirical analysis, and further explore the relationship between psychological capital, job satisfaction and job performance. It provides a new perspective for organization managers to manage and develop employees, and adds a new perspective to the traditional research of human resource management. This study selected Beijing, Shandong, Henan, Shanghai and other places as sampling sites, taking salespeople in various industries as the research object, and using the psychological capital questionnaire (PCQ-24) compiled by Luthans et al., which was tested by reliability and validity. Minnesota satisfaction short questionnaire (MSQ) and Northwestern University Sun Fangyuan revised Real Estate sales performance questionnaire as a research tool to analyze the survey data obtained through descriptive statistics analysis of variance correlation analysis. Regression analysis is used to determine the relationship between psychological capital and job satisfaction and job performance. The results of empirical study show that salespeople generally have high psychological capital, and the scores of each dimension are above the medium level. Salespeople's psychological capital and its dimensions, including self-efficacy, hope, resilience (resilience), optimism have a significant positive impact on job performance and its dimensions, including task performance, relevance performance; The psychological capital of sales personnel and its dimensions have positive and significant effects on employee job satisfaction and all dimensions, including management style, job itself, development space, work compensation, working conditions and interpersonal relationships. Sales staff job satisfaction and each dimension has a partial impact on job performance and each dimension; In the influence of psychological capital on job performance, job satisfaction plays a part of intermediary role, that is, under the intermediary role of job satisfaction, the significant influence of psychological capital on job performance is strengthened.


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