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发布时间:2018-11-18 10:42
【摘要】:随着我国经济的高速发展,以及城镇化的推进,房地产已成为我国国民经济的重要支柱产业。随着房地产调控的进行和市场价值的理性回归,各房地产开发商的竞争日趋激烈,提高产品品质和有效降低成本成为各房地产开发商必要的发展战略。这对成本控制的主要手段——工程招标提出了更高的要求。工程招标的目标是以最优性价比选择承建商。但在施工过程中常出现诸多质量、进度、成本方面的问题,影响开发效果。问题的出现往往是因为企业招标管理体系存在漏洞导致,比如:组织体系不完善,招标流程不合理,缺乏有效地信息收集与传递工具等。 本文运用文献研究法、专题研究法、交流咨询法以及对比研究法对CY房地产公司工程招标管理体系进行研究。首先从文献理论研究入手,对建设工程招标的概念及工程招标管理体系的组成进行了必要的阐述。随后对CY公司工程招标管理体系的现状及存在问题进行分析。在此基础上重点从组织体系、承建商管理系统及工程招标流程三方面对CY公司工程招标管理体系进行优化研究:在组织体系方面,通过成立招投标采购中心整合CY公司采购职能,成立招投标管理委员会对工程招标全程进行管控和监督:在信息支持系统方面,主要是建立承建商管理系统,对承建商进行系统化管理,并提出承建商标后评估系统的概念,比传统的履约能力评估效果更为全面客观;在流程方面,主要是通过对工程招标流程的整体优化与局部再造,达到提高工程招标效率,优选承建商,降低工程成本的目的。最后,文章还对CY房地产公司工程招标管理体系优化的实施步骤和有效性进行了分析。 本论文的研究成果,对中小型房地产公司的工程招标管理体系优化有一定的借鉴作用。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy and the promotion of urbanization, real estate has become an important pillar industry of our national economy. With the development of real estate control and rational return of market value, the competition among real estate developers is becoming more and more fierce. It is necessary for real estate developers to improve product quality and reduce cost effectively. This is the main means of cost control-engineering bidding put forward higher requirements. The objective of the project tender is to select the contractor at the best value for money. However, there are many problems in quality, schedule and cost in the construction process, which affect the development effect. The problems are often caused by the existence of loopholes in the enterprise bidding management system, such as imperfect organizational system, unreasonable bidding process, lack of effective information collection and transmission tools, and so on. This paper studies the management system of engineering bidding of CY real estate company by the methods of literature research, special research, exchange consultation and contrast research. Firstly, the concept of construction project bidding and the composition of project bidding management system are expounded from the study of literature theory. Then the paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of CY engineering bidding management system. On this basis, the paper focuses on the optimization of CY engineering bidding management system from three aspects: the organizational system, the contractor management system and the engineering bidding process. Through the establishment of bidding and procurement center to integrate the procurement functions of CY, set up a bidding management committee to control and supervise the whole process of the project bidding: in the information support system, the main is to establish the contractor management system, The systematic management of contractors and the concept of post-evaluation system of trademark construction are more comprehensive and objective than the traditional evaluation of performance ability. In the aspect of the process, it is mainly through the whole optimization and partial reengineering of the bidding process of the project to improve the efficiency of the project bidding, to select the contractor and to reduce the cost of the project. Finally, the paper analyzes the implementation steps and effectiveness of the optimization of CY real estate engineering bidding management system. The research results of this paper can be used for reference to optimize the engineering bidding management system of small and medium real estate companies.


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2 记者 杨U,




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