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发布时间:2018-11-20 07:22
【摘要】:随着市场经济的进一步发展,我国工程领域的企业如房地产公司、施工单位、投资管理公司等面临着日益严峻的竞争环境。企业要在激烈的市场竞争中求生存、谋发展,必须充分调动员工的积极性和主动性,这使他们在按照企业既定要求做好本职工作的同时,还需更多地发挥主观能动性,作出有利于提升组织效能、获得较高绩效、促进组织目标实现的积极行为。而随着我国市场化进程的逐步扩展,在工程领域的企业中工作满意度、组织公民行为及工作绩效的关系现象也越来越显著。本研究旨在通过对工程企业的实证调研,研究分析工作满意度、组织公民行为对工作绩效的影响关系,并且创新性的以组织公民行为作为中介变量来深入研究工作满意度对工作绩效的影响。 本文采用问卷调研的方式,通过对本市十三家工程单位的问卷调研获取第一手资料,提出了工程企业中工作满意度、组织公民行为及工作绩效间的影响模型。根据问卷结果运用统计分析、效度检验、信度检验、结构方程模型分析等方法进行实证分析,得出如下结论:(1)工作满意度与工作绩效具有正向影响关系;(2)组织公民行为与工作绩效具有正向影响关系;(3)组织公民行为在工作满意度与工作绩效之间起中介作用。 最后,根据实证分析的结果,本文从企业管理制度、薪酬管理体系、职位晋升等方面来论述本研究模型的实际指导意义,并提出个人对此理论研究的展望。
[Abstract]:With the further development of market economy, enterprises in the engineering field of our country, such as real estate companies, construction units, investment management companies, are facing increasingly severe competition environment. In order to survive and develop in the fierce market competition, enterprises must fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of their employees. This enables them to do their own work well according to the established requirements of the enterprise, and at the same time, they also need to give more play to their subjective initiative. Make the positive behavior that promotes the organization efficiency, obtains the higher performance, promotes the organization goal realization. With the gradual expansion of China's market-oriented process, the relationship among job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance in engineering enterprises is becoming more and more significant. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior on job performance through empirical research on engineering enterprises. And innovative organizational citizenship behavior as an intermediary variable to further study the impact of job satisfaction on job performance. Based on the questionnaire survey of 13 engineering units in this city, this paper puts forward the influence model of job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior and job performance in engineering enterprises. According to the results of the questionnaire, using statistical analysis, validity test, reliability test, structural equation model analysis and other methods for empirical analysis, the conclusions are as follows: (1) Job satisfaction and job performance have a positive impact; (2) organizational citizenship behavior has a positive relationship with job performance, (3) organizational citizenship behavior plays an intermediary role between job satisfaction and job performance. Finally, according to the results of empirical analysis, this paper discusses the practical significance of this research model from the aspects of enterprise management system, salary management system, position promotion, and puts forward the prospect of individual research on this theory.


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