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发布时间:2018-11-20 13:23
【摘要】:房地产行业是国民经济中一个重要的行业,这个行业关系到社会的每个人。因为每个人都与住房息息相关。随着我国整体房价持续上涨,房地产行业的经济增长势头超过了许多传统制造业的经济增长。国内纷纷涌现出各种大小不同规模的房地产开发公司,它们不仅分布在全国一线、二线的大城市,,而且向三线、四线小城市和大城镇发展布局。 随着公司的经营地域不断扩大,开发的房产种类也变得多样化,建成的新楼盘不断增多。房地产公司在管理上也面临一些新挑战,出现了一些新问题。原先那种人工进行信息登记管理的方式已经不能适应公司快速扩张发展的需要。公司管理的信息已经不再是单单一个楼盘的相关信息,而是要总体管理分布在各地的不同楼盘的信息,如果还是采用传统的管理模式,不同地域之间信息管理的业务流程就会出现不统一、不规范的情况,最终汇总的信息就会不全面、不准确,影响公司管理层的正确决策,公司各部门的工作效率就会降低,投入的人力、物力也会增多,整体经济效益就会下降,公司在整个房地产行业的竞争力也会降低。要想解决上述存在的问题,就要改变传统的信息管理模式,采用与国际和现代科学技术接轨的新型管理模式。 上世纪90年代开始,互联网在中国开始发展。随着国民经济的增长,计算机开始普及,中国的网络发展迅速,网速不断提高,基于互联网的计算机应用技术也开始广泛利用。房地产企业也开始采用计算机进行公司的管理,通过互联网实现了公司各个部门的信息共享,提高了管理的工作效率。 为了更好地发挥计算机管理带来的优势,房地产企业急切需要一种能够综合管理各个部门信息的计算机应用程序。开发一款集添加、修改、删除信息和对信息进行分类和查询等功能的房屋销售管理信息系统变得非常必要了。 本文将开发设计一款简单实用的房屋销售管理信息系统。该系统能够对房地产企业信息进行全面的管理,通过售楼管理、房产管理、收费管理、客户管理四大功能模块和后台数据库的有力结合来管理房屋的各种信息,使企业管理变得更加方便快速高效。 本系统采用Powerbuilder9.0作为工具进行系统开发,数据库系统采用Powerbuilder9.0自带的Adaptive Server Anywhere7.0系统。系统可以很好的在WINDOWS操作系统下运行,系统界面可视化,大大提高了系统的可操作性和交互性,使用户的操作变得简单快捷。
[Abstract]:Real estate industry is an important industry in the national economy, this industry relates to everyone in society. Because everyone is connected to housing. With the rising of house prices in China, the economic growth of real estate industry exceeds the economic growth of many traditional manufacturing industries. A variety of real estate development companies of different sizes have emerged in China. They are not only distributed in the first and second lines of the country, but also in the third, fourth and small cities and towns. With the expansion of the company's territory, the range of properties developed has become diversified and new developments have been increasing. Real estate companies are also faced with some new challenges and new problems. The original manual management of information registration can no longer meet the needs of the rapid expansion of the company. The information of company management is no longer related to a single building, but to the overall management of different buildings distributed around the information, if still adopt the traditional management model, The business processes of information management between different regions will be inconsistent and irregular, and the final information will be incomplete and inaccurate, which will affect the correct decision of the management of the company and reduce the working efficiency of the various departments of the company. The investment of manpower and material resources will also increase, the overall economic benefits will decline, the competitiveness of the company in the entire real estate industry will also be reduced. In order to solve the above problems, we must change the traditional information management mode and adopt a new management mode which is in line with international and modern science and technology. The Internet began to develop in China in the 1990 s. With the growth of the national economy and the popularization of computers, China's network is developing rapidly and the speed of the network is increasing constantly, and the computer application technology based on the Internet has also begun to be widely used. Real estate enterprises also began to use computers to manage the company, through the Internet to achieve the company's various departments of information sharing, improve the efficiency of management. In order to give full play to the advantages brought by computer management, real estate enterprises urgently need a computer application program which can comprehensively manage the information of various departments. It is necessary to develop a house sales management information system with the functions of adding, modifying, deleting information and classifying and querying information. This paper will develop and design a simple and practical house sales management information system. The system can manage the information of real estate enterprises in an all-round way. It can manage all kinds of information through the combination of four function modules, sales management, real estate management, charge management, customer management and backstage database. Enterprise management becomes more convenient, fast and efficient. The system uses Powerbuilder9.0 as a tool to develop the system, and the database system uses Adaptive Server Anywhere7.0 system of Powerbuilder9.0. The system can run well under the WINDOWS operating system, and the system interface is visualized, which greatly improves the maneuverability and interactivity of the system, and makes the user's operation simple and fast.


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