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发布时间:2018-11-23 08:27
【摘要】:改革开放三十余年以来,我国经济一直保持着高速发展,GDP从1978年的3645亿元(约合2164亿美元)增加到2012年的519322亿元(约合8.3万亿美元)。经济总量的显著变化全方位增强了我国的综合实力,但是不可回避的是,在经济总量快速积累的过程中,也暴露出这样那样的问题,比如产业结构不合理、城乡收入水平差距过大、房地产价格过高等。面对复杂的外围经济环境和严峻的国内经济形势,中央政府的宏观调控压力变得越来越大,这种情况之下,土地政策作为较新的宏观调控手段逐步被人们所重视。如何发挥土地政策在宏观调控中的作用是我国社会主义市场经济建设和发展过程中新的尝试,有助于更好解决发展过程中遇到的不平衡、不协调问题,更好地弥补传统宏观调控手段的不足。当前,我国宏观经济形势复杂、问题多样化,客观上要求不同宏观调控政策相互配合、共同协调,这样一来,如何在充分发挥财政政策、货币政策等传统宏观调控手段作用的基础上制定好相应的土地政策,并通过土地市场调控对国民经济整体发挥积极作用就显得尤为重要。 本文在借鉴和吸收以往学者相关研究成果的基础上,结合自身理解界定了土地政策宏观调控作用的内涵,详细阐述了作为宏观调控政策之一的土地政策如何对宏观经济产生影响,并试图充分借鉴国内外宏观调控中土地政策运用的相关实践经验,深层次分析当前我国所存在的问题,最终针对现实中存在的问题提出如何更好地发挥土地政策宏观调控作用的建议和对策。 本文第一章绪论,阐述了论文的研究背景及意义、论文框架和研究方法等,并对国内外有关土地政策发挥宏观调控作用的研究做出总结归纳;第二章介绍了土地政策、宏观调控等概念,就发挥土地政策宏观调控作用内涵进行了说明,并阐述了研究的理论基础;第三章旨在解决土地政策有没有必要参与宏观调控以及发挥土地政策宏观调控作用是否具有现实可行性问题;第四章介绍了发挥土地政策宏观调控作用的传导机制和实现路径,指明土地政策如何通过财政路径、货币路径和产业路径发挥对宏观经济的调节和引导作用;第五和第六章在阐述国外及我国香港地区土地领域宏观调控实践的基础上提出我国当前土地调控中的种种问题;第七章提出了优化我国土地政策宏观调控作用的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, China's economy has maintained a rapid development. The GDP has increased from 364.5 billion yuan (216.4 billion US dollars) in 1978 to 51.9322 trillion yuan (8.3 trillion US dollars) in 2012. The remarkable changes in the total economic volume have enhanced China's comprehensive strength in all directions, but it cannot be avoided that in the process of rapid accumulation of total economic output, problems of one kind or another have also been exposed, such as unreasonable industrial structure. Urban and rural income level gap is too large, real estate prices are too high. In the face of complex external economic environment and severe domestic economic situation, the central government's macro-control pressure has become more and more great. In this case, land policy as a relatively new means of macro-control has been gradually attached importance to. How to give full play to the role of land policy in macro-control is a new attempt in the construction and development of socialist market economy in China, which is helpful to solve the problems of imbalance and disharmony encountered in the course of development. Better to make up for the shortcomings of traditional macro-control means. At present, the macroeconomic situation in our country is complex and the problems are diversified. Objectively, different macro-control policies are required to cooperate and coordinate with each other. In this way, how to give full play to the fiscal policy, On the basis of the role of the traditional macro-control means such as monetary policy, it is particularly important to formulate the corresponding land policy and play a positive role in the whole national economy through the land market regulation and control. On the basis of drawing lessons from and absorbing the relevant research achievements of previous scholars, this paper defines the connotation of the macro-control function of land policy by combining with its own understanding. This paper expounds in detail how the land policy, as one of the macro-control policies, has an impact on the macro-economy, and tries to draw lessons from the relevant practical experience in the use of the land policy in the macro-control at home and abroad, and deeply analyzes the problems existing in our country at present. Finally, some suggestions and countermeasures on how to play the role of macro-control of land policy are put forward in view of the problems in reality. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the paper, the research framework and research methods, and summarizes the domestic and foreign research on the role of land policy to play a macro-control role; The second chapter introduces the concepts of land policy and macro-control, explains the connotation of giving full play to the role of macro-control of land policy, and expounds the theoretical basis of the research. The third chapter aims to solve whether it is necessary for land policy to participate in macro-control and whether it is feasible to play the role of macro-control of land policy. The fourth chapter introduces the transmission mechanism and realization path of exerting the macro-control function of land policy, and points out how the land policy can regulate and guide the macro-economy through the fiscal path, the monetary path and the industrial path. On the basis of expounding the practice of macro-control in the field of land in foreign countries and Hong Kong of China, the fifth and sixth chapters put forward various problems in land regulation and control in our country at present, and in the seventh chapter, the countermeasures and suggestions for optimizing the macro-control function of land policy in China are put forward.


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