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发布时间:2018-11-23 08:44
[Abstract]:The real estate industry, as a basic industry related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, has played an important role in improving the living conditions of residents, creating employment opportunities, promoting the development of related industries and increasing government revenue. However, influenced by the external environment and restricted by its own conditions, the scale of the county real estate enterprises in our country is generally smaller. Compared with the large real estate enterprises, both tangible assets and intangible assets have greater disadvantages. Making it easy to raise money. Under the current financial environment, the financing challenges and opportunities of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county region coexist, on the one hand, the tightening of monetary policy and credit policy makes the bank loans of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises more difficult. The high market interest rate makes the financing cost of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises rise, the expectation of RMB depreciation and the strength of the dollar increase the overseas financing cost and exchange rate risk of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises. On the other hand, the reform of IPO reduces the difficulty for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises to enter the capital market, which is conducive to the transformation from indirect financing to direct financing of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises at county level, and to improve the financing scale of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises. Reduce the financing cost of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises. In this environment and background, it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to strengthen the research on the financing of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county economy. Based on the basic concept and theory of real estate financing, this paper expounds the present situation of the development of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county economy and the present situation of the financial environment by using the method of literature research and case analysis. This paper studies the problems and causes of the small and medium-sized real estate financing in the county economy of our country, and puts forward some suggestions to solve the financing dilemma of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in the county economy. Through the study of this paper, the following conclusions are drawn: 1, the financing of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in the county economy of our country has a single financing channel, and the financing structure is unreasonable. The reasons for the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in our county economy are mainly external reasons and internal reasons, such as the lack of channels for the introduction of foreign capital and the lack of support from long-term stable sources of funds. The external reasons include the influence of macroeconomic policy, the imperfect financing system, the imperfect policies and regulations, the asymmetry of bank risk and income, and the internal reasons including the limited strength of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county economy. The internal management mechanism is imperfect and the construction of credit culture lags behind. 3. In view of the problems existing in the financing of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county economies, it is necessary to expand the financing channels for small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county economies. Adjust the financing channel structure of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in the county economy, perfect the policies and regulations related to the financing of the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises, and establish the supporting mechanism for the small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in the county economy, Strengthen the development of small and medium-sized real estate enterprises in county economies.


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