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发布时间:2018-11-23 16:06
【摘要】:作为对传统抵押的延伸,在建工程抵押是商品经济交往的结果。由于它具有促进资金流动与资金融通,实现银行扩展贷款业务和满足开发商融资的实际需要的价值功能,因此建设工程抵押在实际生活中被广泛应用。该制度在我国仍然属于新生事物,其在理论上和实践上还有待完善。由此,本文从在建工程抵押制度的现实问题出发进行挖掘和研究。在建工程属于“合成物”,由于其可交换性与交换价值是随着工程进度而不断变化的,虽然“在建工程”具有交换价值,但如何保证在特定时间确定其价值是一个难题。从目前的法律规定来看,现行立法并未从可交换性满足与交换价值固化的角度设计相应的制度解决方案,而且,在建工程竣工以后,抵押权人如何实现抵押标的的转换,也是实践中经常遇到的问题。本文在提出这一问题后又主要从完善在建工程抵押登记制度的角度设计解决方案,,以求破解在建工程抵押权制度在实践中遇到的难题。其次,在建工程抵押权设立以后,可能与其他权利发生冲突,这些冲突该如何协调,也是实践中经常遇到的问题,本文又从将通过梳理在建工程抵押权与可能存在的相冲突的其他权利的关系来进行剖析。 本文第一部分对在建工程抵押权的相关理论问题进行分析。从对在建工程与在建工程抵押权的含义的界定开始,分析了在建工程抵押权的法理基础和现实意义。从在建工程抵押权的主体、客体等方面阐述了在建工程抵押权的特征。认为在建工程抵押权客体虽然具有不特定性,但并不影响在建工程抵押权的设置。 第二部分针对在建工程抵押登记制度存在的理论分歧,本文首先分析了在建工程抵押权登记的性质,对在建工程抵押权登记的法律效力。结合在建工程承包合同、在建工程抵押合同,阐述了在建工程抵押登记管理机关的审查内容。在建工程抵押登记转换为房屋抵押权登记有房地产管理的必然要求,笔者对转换的方式进行了分析。 第三部分本文阐述了现有的我国在建工程中抵押权与建设用地使用权、建设工程抵押权与承包方工程价款请求权、建设工程抵押权与商品房预售许可中房屋预购人权利之间的冲突,并对冲突的解决提出合理化建议。
[Abstract]:As an extension of the traditional mortgage, the construction mortgage is the result of commodity economic interaction. Because it has the value function of promoting the fund flow and financing, realizing the bank to expand the loan business and meet the actual needs of the developer financing, so the construction project mortgage is widely used in the real life. This system is still a new thing in our country, and it needs to be perfected in theory and practice. Therefore, this paper excavates and studies the realistic problem of mortgage system in construction project. Construction in progress belongs to "composition", because its exchangeability and exchange value are constantly changing with the progress of the project. Although "construction in progress" has exchange value, how to ensure its value at a specific time is a difficult problem. From the current legal provisions, the current legislation does not design corresponding system solutions from the perspective of exchangeability satisfaction and exchange value solidification, and how the mortgagee can realize the conversion of the mortgage subject after the completion of the project under construction. It is also a problem often encountered in practice. After putting forward this problem, this paper mainly designs the solution from the angle of perfecting the mortgage registration system of the construction in progress, in order to solve the problems encountered in the practice of the mortgage system of the construction in progress. Secondly, after the establishment of the mortgage of the construction project in progress, there may be conflicts with other rights. How to coordinate these conflicts is also a common problem in practice. This paper will analyze the relationship between mortgage and other rights that may conflict. The first part of this paper analyzes the relevant theoretical issues of mortgage of construction in progress. Starting from the definition of the meaning of the mortgage of the construction in progress and the construction in progress, this paper analyzes the legal basis and practical significance of the mortgage of the construction in progress. This paper expounds the characteristics of mortgage of construction in progress from aspects of subject and object. It is considered that the object of mortgage in construction works is not specific, but it does not affect the setting of mortgage right in construction works. In the second part, the author analyzes the nature of the mortgage registration of construction in progress and the legal effect of the mortgage registration in progress in view of the theoretical differences existing in the mortgage registration system of the construction in progress. Combined with the contract of construction in progress and the contract of mortgage in progress, this paper expounds the examination contents of the registration administration of mortgage in construction. It is necessary for real estate management to convert mortgage registration into housing mortgage registration. In the third part, the author expounds the mortgage and the right to use the construction land, the mortgage of the construction project and the claim of the contractor's project price. The conflict between the mortgage of construction project and the right of the house buyer in the pre-sale license of commercial housing is discussed, and the reasonable suggestions for resolving the conflict are put forward.


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