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发布时间:2018-11-26 08:55
[Abstract]:In recent years, as more and more people have reached marriageable age, real estate prices have attracted more and more attention. The "National five rules" just introduced in 2013 have aroused heated discussion in the media, whether the government is too allergic to house prices. Or real estate problems really need to be controlled by the policy. Based on the current situation of real estate in China, this paper explores the interaction mechanism between real estate and macro economy in the following aspects: first, a cointegration model of housing price and macroeconomic indicators is constructed. The long-term equilibrium relationship between real estate and macro-economy is obtained, and it is concluded that the rise of house prices in china is supported by economic fundamentals. This part mainly explores the macro-economic decision of house price. Second, we mainly study the impact of real estate market fluctuations on the macro-economy. We choose the consumption level and economic growth to represent the macroeconomic performance, we use the vector autoregressive model. By means of impulse response function and variance decomposition, this paper studies the impact of house price fluctuation on consumption level in China, and the impact of real estate investment fluctuation on China's economic growth. This paper draws the conclusion that the fluctuation of real estate will lead to the larger fluctuation of macro economy. Thirdly, we review the development history of real estate in our country, at the same time, we make a simple combing of the government's regulation and control policy on real estate. Finally, we put forward some suggestions for the policy regulation and control.


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