[Abstract]:At present, China has "run" into an aging society, the old-age problem has become a social problem, the demand market for the elderly has been paid more and more attention by the country and society. Founded in 1998, Jiujulong Real Estate Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiujiulong Group), after nearly 20 years of capital and experience accumulation, has the ability to build a suitable residential area, and has an urgent desire to serve the elderly. The chairman of the group, Xu Fujing, said: "what the old-age industry lacks is not technology, but service that carries responsibility and conscience. There is no problem in building a house suitable for the elderly, so it is important to serve the world's parents in planning their later lives." In the "2015-2016 (the third batch) China Real Estate most temperament Building" campaign organized by "Urban Development" magazine, developed and built by Jiujulong Group, located in Qufu City, Shandong Province, the "Xiao Yang City" project is based on a unique concept of providing for the aged. Humanized community service, advanced and mature management model in many running buildings
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