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发布时间:2018-12-09 07:50
【摘要】:2010年“国十条”之后,国家密集出台了一系列房地产调控政策,直至目前中国房地产市场已陷入真正的寒冬期。那么报纸房地产广告又会陷入怎样的发展状态?本论文采用内容分析法,理论结合实践,通过探析此次因政策影响下报纸房地产广告发展的变化现状,以了解纸媒房地产广告发展的问题,并探讨解决的对策,这对研究广州纸媒房地产广告的发展出路、变化及未来趋势有一定的实践意义与参考价值。 本文首先,对“国十条”之前《广州日报》房地产广告发展状况进行总结。再对“国十条”之后《广州日报》四年房地产广告进行抽样调查,统计分析其发展现状。再次,重点对“国十条”前后《广州日报》房地产广告的发展状况进行比较分析,并探讨这次变化背后的政策因素。分析结果得出:房地产广告目标以观念植入转变为以产品促销为目标;目标群体由全国投资者转向广州本地刚需者;产品定位有转向商业地产的趋势;诉求重点由生活品质、文化及身份转向价格;报广投放总量持续下降,2013年略升等变化,其中,这些策略的变化与政策调整的关系比较密切。之后,又分析报纸房地产广告面对强化政策调整时存在的问题,并提出建议。最后,笔者对本研究进行了总结及对未来报纸房地产广告的发展进行展望。
[Abstract]:After 2010, the state has introduced a series of real estate regulation and control policies. Until now, China's real estate market has fallen into a real winter. So what kind of development state will the newspaper real estate advertisement fall into? This paper uses the content analysis method, the theory unifies the practice, through the analysis under the policy influence newspaper real estate advertisement development change present situation, in order to understand the paper medium real estate advertisement development question, and discusses the solution countermeasure, It has certain practical significance and reference value to study the development outlet, change and future trend of Guangzhou paper media real estate advertisement. First of all, this paper summarizes the development of real estate advertising in Guangzhou Daily before the "National Ten". A sampling survey of real estate advertisements in Guangzhou Daily for four years after "the Ten articles of the Nation" was carried out, and the current situation of development was analyzed statistically. Thirdly, the paper makes a comparative analysis of the development of real estate advertising before and after the "National Ten", and probes into the policy factors behind this change. The results show that: the target of real estate advertising has changed from concept placement to product promotion; the target group has shifted from national investors to local rigid demand in Guangzhou; the orientation of real estate products has shifted to commercial real estate; The focus is from quality of life, culture and identity to price; the total amount of broadcast-oriented investment has been declining and rising slightly in 2013, among which, the changes in these strategies are closely related to policy adjustment. After that, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the adjustment of newspaper real estate advertisement, and puts forward some suggestions. Finally, the author summarizes the research and prospects for the future development of newspaper real estate advertising.


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