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发布时间:2018-12-09 10:56
[Abstract]:Under the background of the continuous development of the national land market and the further improvement of the market system, Chongqing's land market has also entered the stage of market-oriented development. The 2008 world financial crisis has had a great impact on the Chongqing land transfer market. Chongqing land transfer market has entered a new stage of recovery and development. As an important part of commercial land, commercial residential land is an important support for the development of real estate market. The amount of commercial residential land is the result of the combined effect of market supply and market demand. It can comprehensively reflect the overall situation of the commercial residential land transfer market. Therefore, we can find out the factors affecting the amount of commercial residential land transfer, formulate reasonable and effective land supply plans, meet the real demand of the market, and avoid structural excess. It is very important and necessary to realize the balance between supply and demand in the market and to sell the commercial residential land in the main city of Chongqing under the new mode of development. Based on the comprehensive analysis of domestic and foreign literature, and on the basis of deeply understanding the related concepts of land transfer market, the paper is guided by the theory of land sustainable development, the theory of land "market failure" and the theory of land "government failure". Starting with the operation mechanism of the land transfer market and the behavior mode of the government in the land transfer market, the paper studies the operation mode of the land transfer market under the joint action of the market mechanism and the government behavior. The influencing factors of market supply and market demand are found out in this mode, and the influencing factors of land transfer amount are deduced synthetically, including macroeconomic, institutional factors, policy planning, social development and real estate market factors. On this basis, the principal component regression method is used to analyze the quantity of commercial residential land transfer and its main influencing factors in the main urban area of Chongqing, and the factors of policy planning are quantified by expert scoring method. The main conclusions are as follows: macroeconomic development, policy planning, industrial structure change and population growth all have a great impact on the transfer of commercial residential land in Chongqing's main city, in which macroeconomic development has the greatest impact. The system is the guarantee and premise of the healthy operation of the market, while the land transfer price, the sale area of the commercial housing and the price index of the commercial house have little influence on the quantity of the land transfer in the main city of Chongqing.


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