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发布时间:2018-12-10 17:20
【摘要】:广东创鸿房地产开发有限公司承建广州市越秀区东山口JC项目,该项目是一个投资额为约9.5亿元人民币的集商住为一体的房地产开发项目。项目位于广州市越秀区繁华地段——东山口商业圈内。东山悠久的历史和深厚的文化底蕴赋予本项目许多特色:金融商贸发达、基础设施完备、居住环境优美、文体气息浓厚、基础教育领先、社会风气良好、人文景观丰厚、信息交通便捷等等诸多优点。地段的稀缺性和独特性为该项目的建设开发奠定了良好的基础。 本文对该项目所处区域的房地产市场进行了详尽的调查分析。在国家宏观调控政策不动摇的大环境下,2012年房地产市场依然平稳发展,广州市房地产市场总体稳中有升。本文运用SWOT分析模型对该项目所处市场环境进行分析判断,对该项目进行需求分析和市场定位,,确定项目的战略目标。本项目定位为以商品住宅为主的专业商场加名校学位型楼盘。同时运用波特五力模型对项目的竞争环境做出分析和判断,为项目准确定位打下基础。 文中对项目总投资、预期收入、内部收益率等数据进行分析。根据各项财务指标及数据分析预测得到该项目的经济效益及投资回报率较高,具有较强的抵御风险的能力。在项目建设过程中应加强对项目流程的监管和对项目质量的管控,打造独具文化气息的精品楼盘,为人们提供优质的人居环境、为东山口增添亮丽的风景、为老商业区注入新的活力打造独具文化气息的精品楼盘,为人们提供优质的人居环境、为东山口增添亮丽的风景、为老商业区注入新的活力。切实展现创鸿“创赢四海,鸿图百年”的企业价值观。通过详尽的分析后得出该项目可行的结论。
[Abstract]:Guangdong Chuanghong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. is responsible for the construction of Dongshankou JC project in Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, which is a real estate development project with an investment of about 950 million RMB. The project is located in the bustling area of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou-Dongshankou Commercial Circle. Dongshan's long history and profound cultural heritage endow this project with many characteristics: developed finance and commerce, complete infrastructure, beautiful living environment, strong stylistic atmosphere, leading basic education, good social atmosphere and rich humanistic landscape. Information traffic is convenient and so on many advantages. The scarcity and uniqueness of the location lay a good foundation for the construction and development of the project. This article carries on the detailed investigation and analysis to the real estate market in the area of the project. Under the environment of the state macro-control policy, the real estate market in 2012 is still stable, and the real estate market in Guangzhou is rising steadily. In this paper, SWOT analysis model is used to analyze and judge the market environment of the project, to analyze the demand and market position of the project, and to determine the strategic goal of the project. This project is based on commercial residential professional shopping malls and famous school degree-type real estate. At the same time, the competitive environment of the project is analyzed and judged by the Porter five Force Model, which lays the foundation for the accurate positioning of the project. In this paper, the project total investment, expected income, internal rate of return and other data are analyzed. According to the financial indexes and data analysis, the economic benefit and the return on investment of the project are higher, and the project has a strong ability to resist risks. In the process of the project construction, we should strengthen the supervision of the project process and control the quality of the project, create a unique cultural flavor of the fine real estate, provide people with high-quality living environment, add beautiful scenery for Dongshan pass, To inject new energy into the old commercial district to create unique cultural boutique real estate, to provide people with high-quality living environment, to add beautiful scenery Dongshankou, to inject new vitality into the old commercial district. Truly show Chong-Hong, "win the four Seas, Hongtu hundred years" corporate values. After detailed analysis, the conclusion that the project is feasible is reached.


相关期刊论文 前4条

1 黎旭东;房地产开发的项目管理和成本控制[J];广东土木与建筑;2005年08期

2 刘晓宁;区域因素对房地产开发影响的比较研究[J];中国房地产;1996年07期

3 陈浮 ,彭补拙;中国房地产业非均衡发展研究[J];中国房地产;1997年09期

4 林斗明;房地产区域研究[J];国土经济;1996年03期

相关硕士学位论文 前2条

1 杨晓梁;房地产项目成本管理的研究[D];南昌大学;2007年

2 王新芳;房地产开发成本控制研究[D];西安科技大学;2008年




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