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发布时间:2018-12-13 15:23
【摘要】:近年来我国房地产行业受到了国家宏观调控政策、国民经济长期高速增长、住房刚性需求降低等多种因素的冲击,行业走势也从新世纪到来时的高歌猛进逐渐演化成了现在的波动调整,但不可否认的是,房地产行业仍然是我国国民经济的支柱产业。房地产行业走势的波动调整,也符合房地产行业对政策高敏感的行业特性。正是因为这种投资规模大、执行周期长、受客观市场制约性强的行业特性,注定了房地产行业必然是一个高风险高收益的行业。当前,房地产项目开发所面临的客观环境受到“新国十条”政策的影响产生了一些相对不利的因素,其中包括:人力成本增长速度远远高于CPI(居民消费价格指数)增长速度、项目必须原材料(建筑材料,动力燃料等)价格激增,已竣工房地产项目中商品房销售面积负增长,房地产项目现金流受到一定制约影响项目的资金平衡等。因此在这个客观环境相对复杂的时期里,房地产项目的风险管理就显得更加重要。 “滨海银滩”项目位于大连市区的东部,是国务院批准成立的第一批国家级旅游度假区之一,也是国家AAAAA级旅游景区。而“滨海银滩”项目中配套区一期项目即为西区内配套住宅的建设,建筑内容为多层住宅、底商和展示中心。本文以大连“滨海银滩”文化旅游区配套区一期项目为案例进行风险管理研究,在论述的过程中综合运用了案例调研法、文献分析法、专家访谈法以及相关的定项研究,对“滨海银滩”项目中存在的具体风险问题进行分析,结合房地产项目的风险识别、评估理论进行相应的应对处理研究。文章总体分为四个部分,第一部分为绪论部分,分别介绍了文章的研究背景、研究意义、国内外研究现状和研究方法及内容等基础情况;第二部分为案例介绍部分,从各个细节介绍了“滨海银滩”项目的概况,并列举了“滨海银滩”一期住宅项目中所存在的具体问题;第三部分为案例分析部分,归纳了房地产项目所涉及的相关风险管理理论以及对风险的识别、评估方法,并结合这些相关理论对第二部分中所提出的具体问题进行相应的应对处理,同时,根据应对处理的内容建立了“滨海银滩”一期住宅项目的专项风险管理保障体系;第四部分为结论部分,对全文的论述进行总结,并通过结论对房地产项目风险管理的发展趋势进行展望分析。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate industry of our country has been impacted by many factors, such as the national macro-control policy, the long-term rapid growth of the national economy, the reduction of the rigid demand for housing, and so on. The trend of the industry has gradually evolved from the rapid development in the coming of the new century to the current fluctuation and adjustment, but it is undeniable that the real estate industry is still the pillar industry of our national economy. The fluctuation adjustment of the real estate industry trend, also accord with the industry characteristic that the real estate industry is highly sensitive to the policy. It is precisely because this kind of investment scale is large, the execution period is long, and the objective market is strong, the real estate industry is destined to be a high risk and high income industry. At present, the objective environment facing the development of real estate projects is affected by the policy of "the new ten articles of the state", which has produced some relatively unfavorable factors, including: the growth rate of labor cost is far higher than that of CPI (consumer price index). The price of raw materials (construction materials, power fuel, etc.) must surge sharply, the sales area of commercial housing in completed real estate projects increases negatively, and the cash flow of real estate projects is restricted to some extent. Therefore, in this objective environment relatively complex period, real estate project risk management becomes more important. Located in the east of Dalian, Binhai Silver Beach is one of the first national tourist resorts approved by the State Council. It is also a national AAAAA class tourist resort. In the "Binhai Silver Beach" project, the first phase of the supporting area is the construction of the supporting residential building in the western region, and the content of the building is multi-storey residence, bottom merchant and exhibition center. This paper takes the first phase project of Dalian "Binhai Yintan" cultural tourism area as a case to study risk management. In the process of discussion, it comprehensively applies case investigation method, literature analysis method, expert interview method and related itemized research. Based on the analysis of the specific risk problems in the Binhai Silver Beach project, the corresponding countermeasures are studied in combination with the risk identification of the real estate project and the evaluation theory. The article is divided into four parts, the first part is the introduction part, respectively introduced the research background, research significance, domestic and foreign research status, research methods and content of the basic situation; The second part is case introduction part, which introduces the general situation of "Binhai Silver Beach" project from various details, and enumerates the concrete problems existing in the "Binhai Silver Beach" first stage residential project; The third part is the case analysis part, which summarizes the related risk management theory, risk identification and evaluation methods involved in real estate projects. And combined with these related theories to deal with the specific problems raised in the second part, at the same time, according to the content of the response, the paper establishes the special risk management guarantee system of the "Binhai Silver Beach" residential project in the first phase; The fourth part is the conclusion part, summarizes the full text discussion, and through the conclusion carries on the prospect analysis to the real estate project risk management development trend.


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1 李烨;吴静;;国外商业地产投资风险研究综述[J];江苏商论;2012年06期

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1 徐晓明;中国房地产行业风险分析研究[D];吉林大学;2012年




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