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发布时间:2018-12-16 23:10
【摘要】:近年来房地产市场实行严格的住宅调控政策,住房价格过快上涨的趋势和投资投机现象得到有效遏制,住宅市场的行业平均利润率呈现下滑趋势,商业地产开始受到更多房地产开发企业的重视,但激烈的竞争环境和严峻的调控政策条件加大了房地产开发企业的资本运营压力和项目管理难度,对中小地产企业获取竞争优势提出了更高的要求。 广西宏科房地产开发有限责任公司自成立以来,发展规模逐步增大,业务范围不断拓宽,投资开发和建设项目涉及住宅地产、商业地产、文化旅游地产等不同的地产领域,企业在发展的过程中需要根据自身条件和市场变化制定和调整发展战略。本文运用战略管理的相关理论,综合研究企业内外部环境,通过SWOT分析法制定出企业的发展战略。 本文研究认为,广西宏科房地产开发有限责任公司应采取增长型主导战略,通过产品质量和品牌效应提升内部优势,把握住宅市场和商业地产的发展契机,以低碳智能建筑为新的核心竞争力。企业的总体发展战略应为立足广西非重点城市和县域地区的住宅市场,重点发展南宁市商业地产市场,实现地产业务区域部署和多元化发展。在实施发展战略的过程中,企业应通过增强资本运营能力、提升品牌价值、加强人才建设、合理规避风险等相关措施保障发展战略的有效实施,增强企业核心竞争力。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the real estate market has implemented strict housing regulation and control policies, the trend of housing prices rising too fast and the phenomenon of investment speculation have been effectively curbed, and the average profit margin of the industry in the housing market has shown a downward trend. Commercial real estate starts to receive more attention from real estate development enterprises, but the fierce competition environment and severe regulation and control policy conditions increase the pressure of capital operation and the difficulty of project management of real estate development enterprises. Small and medium-sized real estate enterprises to obtain competitive advantage put forward higher requirements. Since the establishment of Guangxi Hongke Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, the scale of development has gradually increased, and the scope of business has been continuously broadened. Investment, development and construction projects involve residential real estate, commercial real estate, cultural and tourist real estate and other different real estate fields. In the process of development, enterprises should formulate and adjust their development strategies according to their own conditions and market changes. Based on the theory of strategic management, this paper comprehensively studies the internal and external environment of the enterprise, and formulates the development strategy of the enterprise through the SWOT analysis method. This paper argues that Guangxi Macro Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. should adopt the growth-oriented strategy, promote internal advantages through product quality and brand effect, and grasp the development opportunities of residential market and commercial real estate. Low-carbon intelligent building as the new core competitiveness. The overall development strategy of the enterprise should be based on the residential market in the non-key cities and counties of Guangxi, and the commercial real estate market in Nanning should be developed so as to realize the regional deployment and diversified development of the real estate business. In the process of implementing the development strategy, the enterprise should guarantee the effective implementation of the development strategy by strengthening the capital operation ability, enhancing the brand value, strengthening the talent construction, avoiding the risk and so on, so as to strengthen the core competitiveness of the enterprise.


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