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发布时间:2018-12-27 16:02
【摘要】:进入21世纪后,中国的社会经济发展和计划生育政策的实施使得中国的人口结构发生了巨大的转变,中国社会老龄化已悄然到来。从我国的实际情况看,我国老龄化进程是现今为止规模最大、转变速度最快的国家,这样的变化给中国养老制度带来了诸多的挑战。中国正处于经济社会转轨期,当然养老保障也发生了比较大的变化。从计划经济时期的生老病死完全依赖国家、社会和企业,到以市场经济时期为主体、以基本养老保障制度为基础的新型养老保障方式。在逐步完善社会养老保障体系的过程中,我们发现家庭养老、土地养老等传统养老功能变弱,而在生产力发展水平不高、人均收入较低、传统的养老方式难以为继、新制度还没有完善之前,如何应对日益严重的老龄化问题成为我们的关键。随着市场经济的逐步完善,中国房地产市场的改革提高了民众对住房的私有率,国外养老模式中借助私有住房补充老年人的养老金理论从而被引进。 文章行文脉络首先,从我国快速进入老龄化社会开始展开,,分析我国的老龄化时代背景和社会基本养老保障的不足,引入“以房养老”模式。进而讲解“以房养老”产生的时代背景、目标、意义等方面,结合生命周期理论、家庭财产代际传递理论、资源优化配置理论、产权分割与资产流动性理论和外部性理论来介绍“以房养老”的理论体系。其次,本文对“以房养老”在国外的发展和它产生的一些具有代表性的模式分析国外成功的因素,并从产生的背景、适应的人群、房地产市场的发展、政府的主体责任、实施效果五个维度来归纳和总结国外模式的特点。再次,以五种相同的维度来解读和评价了中国试点城市“以房养老”的具体实施细则以及其失败的原因。最后,通过“以房养老”在中国所有试点城市都以取得失败而告终,得出结论现阶段“以房养老”在中国不可行。
[Abstract]:After entering the 21st century, China's social and economic development and the implementation of the family planning policy have made the population structure of China undergo a tremendous transformation, and the aging of China's society has quietly arrived. From the actual situation of our country, the aging process of our country is the largest and the fastest changing country so far, such changes have brought a lot of challenges to China's pension system. China is in the economic and social transition period, of course, pension security has also taken place relatively big changes. From the state, society and enterprises in the period of planned economy, to the new old-age security mode, which is based on the basic old-age security system and takes the market economy as the main body. In the process of gradually perfecting the social old-age security system, we find that the traditional old-age functions such as family pension and land old-age pension become weak, while the level of productivity is not high, the per capita income is low, and the traditional old-age pension is difficult to continue. Before the new system is perfected, how to deal with the growing problem of aging has become the key. With the gradual improvement of the market economy, the reform of the real estate market in China has raised the private housing rate of the people. First of all, starting from the rapid entry into the aging society in China, the article analyzes the background of the aging era and the deficiency of the basic social security for the aged, and introduces the mode of "providing for the aged by housing". Then it explains the background, goal and significance of the generation of "old-age by housing", combined with life cycle theory, family property intergenerational transfer theory, resources optimal allocation theory, and so on. The theory of property right division, asset liquidity and externality introduces the theoretical system of "providing for the aged by Housing". Secondly, this paper analyzes the factors of success in foreign countries and some representative models of "housing for the aged" in foreign countries, and analyzes the main responsibility of the government from the background of production, the population of adaptation, the development of real estate market, the development of the real estate market, and the main responsibility of the government. Implementation effect of five dimensions to sum up and summarize the characteristics of foreign models. Thirdly, the paper interprets and evaluates the detailed implementation rules and the reasons of failure of the pilot cities in China. Finally, it is concluded that it is not feasible to provide for the aged by housing in China at the present stage.


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