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发布时间:2018-12-29 09:09
【摘要】:当前,房地产行业发展的如火如荼,建筑家居成为消费最大的,与人类的日常生活密切相关的行业。传统建材如钢材、木头等已经明显跟不上发展节奏,并且存在资源严重浪费的现象。在全球范围积极追求环保节能的形势下,人们迫切寻求一种新型的可替代传统建筑模板的完美材料,而木塑复合材料的诞生恰恰是最好的契机。木塑复合材料是一种绿色环保材料,100%可回收利用,兼具木材和塑料的优点,是替代传统木材的不错选择,甚至可以得到更广泛的应用。 对于现代人来说,城市膨胀、交通重负、污染侵袭、工作压力等都形成了一堵堵高墙,让人无法喘息。高楼林立下,自身住所的一个小小开放天地成为人们自然梦想的一种寄托。阳台就是这个梦想的载体,作为室内外的过渡空间,阳台具有特殊性。所以阳台在装修的时候更应该考虑到自然性,木塑成了很好的选择。传统阳台装修往往会花费比较长的时间,而现代人喜欢快的生活方式,并对亲自DIY乐此不疲。 本课题基于背景、能源、材料的充分了解,使用调查法、文献研究法等,旨在为现代都市人设计一款可快速拼装的整体化阳台产品,推广木塑材料在家居行业应用的同时,创造不可估量的能源经济效益。
[Abstract]:At present, the real estate industry is developing in full swing. Traditional building materials, such as steel and wood, have obviously failed to keep up with the pace of development, and there is a serious waste of resources. In the global environment and energy conservation situation, people are looking for a new perfect material which can replace the traditional building template, and the birth of wood-plastic composite is the best opportunity. Wood-plastic composite is a kind of green and environmentally friendly material, 100% of which can be recycled, and has the advantages of wood and plastics. It is a good alternative to traditional wood, and can even be widely used. For modern people, urban expansion, heavy traffic, pollution, work pressure and so on have formed a high wall, people can not breathe. Under the high buildings, a small open world of one's own residence becomes a kind of sustenance of people's natural dream. Balcony is the carrier of this dream, as an indoor and outdoor transition space, balcony has particularity. So the balcony in the decoration should take into account the natural nature, wood into a good choice. Traditional balcony decoration often takes a long time, while modern people like a fast lifestyle and enjoy DIY themselves. This topic is based on the background, energy, material fully understanding, using the method of investigation, literature research and so on. The purpose of this project is to design an integrated balcony product that can be assembled quickly for modern urban people, and to promote the application of wood and plastic materials in the household industry at the same time. Create incalculable energy benefits.


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