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发布时间:2018-12-29 18:00
【摘要】:随着我国房地产市场的发展壮大,大型房地产开发企业实施全国性战略,跨区域进行项目开发,如何在全国范围内选择合适的项目、组织多个项目开发,并对多个项目实施有效控制,成为各个房地产商争相研究的问题。另外,多个项目的各项计划掺杂一起,管理幅度及难度都加大,导致各项目计划达成率降低,进而影响项目利润制约公司发展,目前此问题已成为房地产开发企业亟待解决的管理问题。 随着房地产行业的调控政策不断加码,宏观产业政策、金融政策、土地政策等发生了一系列变化,都要求房地产行业提高自身管理水平。作为房地产精细化管理内容关键点之一的计划管理,其重要性正逐渐引起房地产企业的关注,对计划管理能够给企业带来经济效益也在一定程度达成共识。 本文首先从计划管理的行业发展背景展开,通过对宏观及微观经济环境的分析,引出“计划管理课题”,而后通过对计划管理概念及目的的阐述,说明计划管理的必要性。通过对计划管理的行业发展现状的研究,推断出计划管理课题在房地产行业的重要地位。其次以M房地产公司为研究实例,从实践检验真理的思路出发,对本企业计划管理的组织部门、研发工具、管理现状等内容进行逐一阐述,介绍现有计划管理体系,查找、论证目前企业计划管理体系存在的问题,并结合行业现状进行对策研究。 目前国内房地产行业已然经历了高速的黄金发展十年,,后续的十年将是精细化管理、提升利润、夹缝中求生的白银十年,机遇正在逐渐减少,挑战将会越来越多,国内房地产行业必须从自身出发,提升管理精细化和标准化水平,研究计划管理体系的运用及实施方式,建立计划管理体系。计划管理体系在房地产开发的全过程中由企业的全体员工参与运行,在计划的编制与执行的过程中,能够使得压力自上而下充分传递,明确团队中每个人的职责,工作得以量化,合理的调配企业的资源,提高团队的工作效率,保证项目开发利润。因此计划管理作为现代科学的一项课题,是一项复杂的系统工程,需要更加深入的探讨和研究。
[Abstract]:With the development of China's real estate market, large real estate development enterprises implement a national strategy, cross-regional project development, how to select appropriate projects in the national scope, organize a number of project development, And the implementation of effective control of a number of projects, become the issue of competing real estate developers. In addition, the various plans of many projects are mixed together, the management range and difficulty are increased, which leads to the reduction of the rate of project plan achievement, which further affects the development of the company under the control of project profits. At present, this problem has become an urgent management problem for real estate development enterprises. With the adjustment and control policies of the real estate industry constantly increasing, macro industrial policies, financial policies, land policies have undergone a series of changes, all of which require the real estate industry to improve its management level. As one of the key points of the fine management of real estate, the importance of planning management is gradually attracting the attention of real estate enterprises, and there is a consensus that planning management can bring economic benefits to enterprises to a certain extent. This paper starts from the background of the industry development of the planning management, through the analysis of the macro and micro economic environment, leads to the project of "plan management", and then explains the necessity of the plan management through the elaboration of the concept and purpose of the plan management. Through the research on the present situation of the development of the planning management industry, we infer the important position of the plan management subject in the real estate industry. Secondly, taking M real estate company as an example, starting from the train of thought of testing the truth in practice, this paper expounds the organization department, research and development tools, management status quo of the enterprise plan management one by one, introduces the existing plan management system and finds out, This paper demonstrates the problems existing in the enterprise planning management system, and studies the countermeasures combined with the current situation of the industry. At present, the domestic real estate industry has experienced a rapid gold development decade. The following decade will be a decade of fine management, enhanced profits, and a silver decade of survival. Opportunities are gradually diminishing and challenges will be increasing. The domestic real estate industry must improve the level of management refinement and standardization, study the application and implementation of the planning management system, and establish the planning management system. In the whole process of real estate development, the planning management system is run with the participation of all the employees of the enterprise. In the process of making and implementing the plan, the pressure can be fully transferred from top to bottom, and the responsibilities of everyone in the team can be clarified. Work can be quantified, reasonable allocation of enterprise resources, improve team efficiency, ensure project development profits. Therefore, as a subject of modern science, planning management is a complex system engineering, which needs more in-depth discussion and research.


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