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发布时间:2019-01-04 22:56
【摘要】:惩罚性赔偿制度是一项源自英美法系国家的制度,近几年,随着世界各地经济的发展和交易的自由化,惩罚性赔偿制度在民法体系中发挥的作用日益彰显,很多大陆法系国家也开始逐渐引入这项制度。 我国最早的惩罚性赔偿制度规定在1993年的《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》中,随着我国市场经济的深入发展和国民经济的整体提升,房地产市场在我国发展迅猛,但关于商品房是否属于《消费者权益保护法》的调整范畴,在理论界一直饱受争议,随着房地产市场的发展,商品房买卖中的纠纷也逐渐增多,原先的补偿性赔偿制度在解决这类纠纷的时候已经不能体现遏制不法行为的作用,,最高人民法院在2003年出台《关于审理商品房买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律若干问题的解释》,将惩罚性赔偿制度纳入到商品房买卖领域。由于我国适用惩罚性赔偿制度的年限较短,关于惩罚性赔偿制度的各项立法之间联系不紧密,甚至相互矛盾,使得法院在适用这项制度解决商品房买卖纠纷的时候,遭遇很多困难和尴尬。 鉴于以上情况,本文从以下五个部分对惩罚性赔偿制度在商品房买卖中的适用展开论述。 第一部分是惩罚性赔偿制度的一般理论。这一部分介绍了惩罚性赔偿制度的概念和历史沿革,归纳总结了惩罚性赔偿制度的基本功能,最后探讨了惩罚性赔偿和补偿性赔偿的关系。 第二部分阐述了在我国商品房买卖纠纷中适用惩罚性赔偿制度的情形,以及具体适用情况。 第三部分论述了惩罚性赔偿制度适用于我国商品房买卖纠纷中存在的问题和不足。 第四部分研究了惩罚性赔偿制度在英美法系国家的确立和发展,以及其他大陆法系国家和地区的借鉴,并得出对我国惩罚性赔偿制度完善的启示。 第五部分针对我国现实状况和其他国家和地区适用惩罚性赔偿制度的情况,提出了我国商品房买卖纠纷中,惩罚性赔偿制度的完善建议。
[Abstract]:Punitive damages system is a system originating from common law countries. In recent years, with the development of the world economy and the liberalization of trade, the punitive damages system plays a more and more important role in the civil law system. Many civil law countries also began to gradually introduce this system. The earliest punitive damages system in China was stipulated in the "Consumer Rights and interests Protection Law of the people's Republic of China" in 1993. With the further development of our market economy and the overall promotion of the national economy, the real estate market has developed rapidly in our country. However, whether commercial housing belongs to the scope of adjustment of the Consumer Rights and interests Protection Law has always been a subject of controversy in the theoretical circle. With the development of the real estate market, disputes in the sale and purchase of commercial housing have gradually increased. The original compensatory compensation system can no longer reflect the role of containing illegal acts when resolving such disputes. In 2003, the Supreme people's Court issued an explanation on some issues applicable to the law applicable to disputes over commercial housing sales contracts. The punitive damages system will be incorporated into the field of commercial housing sales. Because our country applies the punitive damages system for a short period of time, the legislation on the punitive damages system is not closely linked, or even contradictory, which makes the court in the application of this system to solve the commercial housing sales disputes. Encounter a lot of difficulties and embarrassment. In view of the above situation, this paper discusses the application of punitive damages system in commercial housing sale from the following five parts. The first part is the general theory of punitive damages system. This part introduces the concept and historical evolution of punitive damages system, summarizes the basic functions of punitive damages system, and finally discusses the relationship between punitive damages and compensatory damages. The second part describes the application of punitive damages in commercial housing disputes in China, as well as the specific application. The third part discusses the problems and shortcomings of punitive damages system in China's commercial housing sales disputes. The fourth part studies the establishment and development of punitive damages system in Anglo-American legal system countries, as well as other continental law countries and regions, and draws inspiration to the perfection of punitive damages system in China. In the fifth part, according to the actual situation of our country and the situation of other countries and regions applying punitive damages system, the author puts forward some suggestions on how to perfect the punitive damages system in the commercial housing sale dispute in our country.


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